View Full Version : I feel I am useless and pathetic
04-26-2011, 11:24 PM
debt, no career, relationship never moves forward, no friends... It's been so long trying to better myself, I am not going anywhere, I'm in my 20s I still live with my parents. I work at a fast food with people who don't speak /converse in English at all it's honestly embarassing. I dropped out of college after 3 years of art school, I still have loans to pay off. I've been in a CC since then but no degree yet, taking classes which I'm failing this semester, my current gpa is 3.7. Will lower... And
my loans are due IN may. My job isn't paying anything, I just feel it's wasting valuable time. I really want to give my notice and quit.
Also, I found out I'm pregnant my bf wanted it, but now he changed his mind bc his parents convinced him to not go on with it. He wants abortion.
I look at facebook, all my contacts which I haven't seen since HS are with a family or graduationg with bachelors. I've been trying I made the mistake when I dropped out promised to try hard, and I fail, am I just a waste
04-28-2011, 12:17 AM
No, actually your not a waste. It may feel like that but your not. We were all born to do something great. You wouldn't be here if there was nothing for you to do. Ypu were born for a purpose whether you like it or not. You were born to be a bright light to the world, not a waste. God created you for a special reason. You may not know what it is, but one day, you will realize that all things will work together for our good.
You may feel like that baby of yours is a burden, but in the end, you will realize that your baby, which you thought was your mistake, was really a blessing in disguise. You never know, maybe that baby was brought to you to teach you how to be responsible. Maybe that baby was brought to you because God thought you were becoming lonely. You really don't know whats really going on in God's mind.
It's really hard for a person like you to really think this way, but I assure, everything will be ok.
I urge you to watch "The Secret" on the internet. You can watch it for free simply by typing into google "watch the secret online". You should see a link from "topdocumentaryfilms".
I sure do hope I helped...:) May God Bless You!
11-17-2011, 01:08 AM
hey everyone, need some uprising emotions here.. long story long haha,
Throughout my child hood I was always the athletic, charming, personable jock everyone loved. I was adopted at birth to an amazingly loving, supportive family, not even the lottery could pick better. I was giving everything I wanted and more, and till this day I am still extremly loved and cared for, but for the last few years I have been struggling deeply with depression and it is starting to affect me mentally. I feel like I am useless, worthless, pathetic and a bourden to even my own family. I am 23 years old and sadly I have been disapointing my parents every way possible for the last 6 years, I feel Im their biggest embarassment and if not for me, they could have a stress free, bourden free, disapointment free life. (did I mention I was adopted? and unfortunatly now they're stuck with me).
For years now I ponder the thought of the future and it makes me sick. The thought of me (a screw up) getting married and bringing kids into this world, only for them to rely on a FATHER FIGURE like me, no thanks (any kid deserves more then I can offer.) Plus after the father and mothering my family gave me, I wouldnt be able to return 10% of that. I have the love and emotion any wife and kid strive for but I feel, I will only fail them, just like I failed myself and eevryone so far.
The most pathetic part of all this is, even with my felonies, I still have a future some people can only dream about, ya I will inherit my fathers company and MAYBE bring it to new levels, BUT I DONT EVER FEEL THAT WAY, I feel like Ill run it to the ground, just like my life. By the way, Im probably the most optimistic, happy, loving person In this country, but deep down I feel, negative, sad, and hurt, hurt badly ( I just always like to show happiness, smiles and joy, mainly because I dont like to show weakness and always want to come off stong, but deep down, Im horrible weak, weak enought to the point of giving up... If not for my parents, I would have giving up by now, but I WILL NEVER BE SO GREEDY IN TAKING MY LIFE!!!!, I WOULD NEVER DO TO THAT TO MY FAMILY NOR FRIENDS.... so for all yall out there.. depression sucks and I feel you, but before taking your life get advice, it just may work...
11-21-2011, 10:03 PM
Hi Wusstafa. Hope you're still reading this thread.
Everyone goes through ups and downs in their life. It seems like you're in a big downer right now. So you feel like a failure and a disappointment because of things in your past. But you have to recognize now that you can't change the past. Whatever you did, accept it, and vow to move forward as a new person. Move forward and try to become a person of confidence and happiness.
I'm not sure what your felonies were... it seems like drug abuse though, because you sound like a good guy who screws up. It's OK to make mistakes... it's inherent in human nature. But you have to do everything you can to keep on track. Willpower is so so important, you must be strong constantly, over the long-term, which is so difficult. But it's in you. Start a new life and look up new ways to gain confidence and organize your life to make yourself and those around you happier people. If you ever need someone to talk to, shoot me a PM bud. Good luck.
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