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04-25-2011, 06:47 AM
Okay so the other day i got up and went for a walk down my drive way (it's a very long drive way...) and i always get to a certain point til i start to feel really dizzy and anxious i keep thinking i'll pass out or something and it'll be ages til someone comes home so i'll start to walk quickly back up to the house trying to breathe... then i slowly start to clam down as i'm walking back up.

Also today i went out shopping for the first time in two weeks.. and when i was standing in line to pay for my things more people came behind me... and then i could feel it starting to happen... I was getting sweaty and freaking out. It's the sweaty part that really starts to upset me :( but then other days i'll be fine.. happily walking around and not sweaty.

Does this happen to anyone else? I've thought about going on medication but i don't like the idea. :(

04-28-2011, 11:37 AM
yes this happens to me pretty often, i will be out for dinner with some friends and all of a sudden i start to get hot and sweaty and i feel like i am going to faint. Its a terrible feeling becuase it makes you panic even more, i usually just excuse myself and go to a washroom or outside and just take deep breathes, and tell myself that everything is fine and this will end in a couple of minutes.

04-30-2011, 07:12 AM
Yeah it sucks :( i do the excat same thing but as soon as i go back in it happens again. I tried meeting new people..that were out going and compelely different to me cause i thought it would help but it just doesnt happen and it's very uppsetting. Now i just don't want to talk to people like that or my friends because its depressing.

04-30-2011, 09:01 AM
yes i do that all the time like today for example i have been absolutly perfect with my anxiety for the past few months but now i have a birthday party to go to and had a horrible night. not from anxiety but just couldnt sleep and now i am all jittery and tired and anxious and my heart beat is crazy. ugh

04-30-2011, 10:47 AM
It happens to me all the time as well. I get really scared, but then I am trying to calm myself down and it gets little better. Lately I cant sleep...today I woke up in the middle of the night and for a few seconds could not understand where I am and had really bad panic attack...I went to bathroom and splash myself with water....tried to calm down and it went away...I think stress also affects us even worse.......i get really scared that I will lose my mind when I feel like that...

04-30-2011, 10:48 AM
My friend has the same thing and she takes fish oil and Vitamin B complex...she says that it helps her a lot....I just started taking them as well, so hopefully they will help.

04-30-2011, 02:00 PM
sometimes i get like that when im on line and it doesnt move fast enough i tend to get impatient like wtf what is the register person doing. or if i see one of the other lines all of a sudden move faster then mines. it drives me crazy because then i start to get anxious and figgity but i usually just stick it out and it goes away. i dont know about fish oil but a good viatmin b complex may (and i stress may) help with your anxiety. the reason i say that is because they dont have like definitive studies on it but it is suggested.

05-01-2011, 05:58 AM
Thanks to all that replied! It's really good knowing that theres other people out there that can relate even just one reply makes it a little better. Truthly it's the only thing that puts a smile on my face lately.Thanks for that I'll look into the fish oil and Vitamin B complex. I'm trying to find a 'Meetup group' in my area has anyone heard of or been to one?

05-01-2011, 04:00 PM
yes there are but it depends where you live. i know in new york city there is a bunch of them. ive been to one but they cancel alot so i got discouraged and stop going. plus it was for social anxiety and im looking for more the type of gad or panic meets.

05-03-2011, 06:50 AM
It happens with most of guys suffering with such problem. One can try some breathing exercises etc. with motivating himself with this is OK and nothing that serious to get very serious about. Just keep relaxed and results will follow with lower intensity of the problem.

05-04-2011, 10:05 AM
I too get like this, especially if I make a mistake at work with customers. I get hot and very sweaty, stutter and become overly apologetic. I've found just going outside and breathing in fresh air sorts it out but when you can't don't that, things become more complicated. I worked in a food court in my last part time job (I'm a student) and there was no easy way out at the top of this huge building so I often became extremely faint and panicky.
I'm also extremely impatient, to the point where I get tense and very angry. This is one of the worst things because I come across as an awful person, which I in turn panic about making everything worse.
Damn this condition! It's just a massive cycle.