View Full Version : Venting!!!!

04-23-2011, 10:34 AM
i wrote a long post and somethign happened and it did not get posted. now i m gonna give the short of it. i suffer from anxiety and panic. I broke up with the mother of my kids for the 3rd time in our tumoltous relationship 2 months ago and it has been extremely hard this time around. We still love each other and dont want either of us to move on but i know its like beating a dead horse with her because we just fight all the time and say things to each other that we shouldnt say. it got to the point where my 12yr old daughter asked me why we fight so much. so then i knew that something had to change. i even met someone who is pretty nice even though its just friends with benefits type thing. i feel anxious thinking about her all the time wondering if im ready to move on and be with someone else or should i give it time. Im even anxious when we are intimate and it has created problems for me there as well even though im able to finish. im losing my self confidence in everything and basically dont know what im doing anymore. im pretty much confused. any responses would be appreciated. thanks