View Full Version : Advice Needed... Desperately !

04-22-2011, 06:13 PM
Hi, I'm new to forums, but I've become desperate and hope I can find someone who can help or at least tell me they have this particular problem too as my CPN/Therapist has admitted she is running out of ideas.

I have been suffering from agoraphobia since I was 18 and only started recieving help three years ago after 6 years of not being able to leave my bedroom. I have completed two rounds of CBT therepy and am trying to stick to it even on the worst days, but my problem is during my worst moments of panic I blurt out uncontrollably some of the worst swear words there are rather loudly ... As you can imagine this is highly embarrassing for me and whoever is with me, let alone the reactions of anyone who is around to hear.

I have no history of turrets and this only happens when I am anxious and to be honest I would welcome any advice as I have tried everything from chewing gum, drinking , covering my mouth and it is becoming a real problem...

04-23-2011, 09:46 AM
hi skates, people develop coping mechanism for their anxiety and it looks like this is what you have developed. well it is something you can stop. just have to be conscious of it when it happens. do you feel better after blurting out your profanity? how long have you been doing this? sometimes when i get in the car and i get panicky i just curse to myself like FUCK just stop it. but i only do that by myself though:) hope this helps.

04-23-2011, 02:06 PM
Thank you for responding, I'm a little jealous that yours in just in private ;) . It started pretty much when I first started leaving the house in 2008 and was mainly when I was out , and has steadily become more frequent, and now happens whether I'm out or just in the house. Umm yeah not better exactly but its kind of like a release, and if I manage to stop myself which is very rare its guaranteed it will only be worse when it does happen, louder more words strung together etc...

My Therapist did try an exercise where I try to catch the thought before it happens so she could identify it and then we would work on changing that thought process but there isnt one , it just blurts out. Do you know of anything that would make it easier to become more consious of it before its going to happen?

04-23-2011, 03:26 PM
hmmm hard to say. i think you know its gonna come out before you say it. Its just something that if you feel its gonna come out try putting your hand over your mouth. obviously this is an OCD type habit and you have gone 3 yrs perfecting this habit so its gonna take work to stop it. if the therapist has told you him/her is running out of ideas then you have to get another one. that is unacceptable to say that to you. How is that gonna give you any hope to try and stop the habit? just know you can stop. its easier to stop an action then a thought. good luck.