View Full Version : Is it anxiety or no?

04-21-2011, 09:00 PM
Here's my story in bullet points, since I don't need to ramble on.

Scared myself into thinking I had an std. Before I was diagnosed with not having one, I scared myself so much that I started getting chest discomfort.

This got worse as it went on, and I scared myself again over this now. One day, I thought I was having a heart problem, and I rushed to the Clinic and they diagnosed me with anxiety.

It still hasn't gone away completely.

I get dizziness every now and then.
A lot of times when using the restroom (#2), my stool takes a while to come out, and I feel like I had much more in me than what I put out. (It's usually small and a faint color of yellow).
I feel my heartbeat when doing any physical activity. By feeling it, I mean that I can feel it through my chest and ab region.
There has been 3 occurrences lately when I couldn't take a full deep breath without a weird jolt of pain in my chest. It goes away within 15 minutes, but is still odd.
Sometimes, if I focus too much, or am undistracted...I find it hard to take a full breath..instead I breath 90% of a full breath, but don't hit the 'peak'.
Every now and then, I get a little sharp pain in my chest. But it's gotten a lot better, and less frequent.
And lastly, I've been getting temple and eye headaches.

I was diagnosed with anxiety a month ago, and each day since I haven't had..15 minutes or so without thinking about anxiety once. It hasn't cleared up. It's gotten better, but not completely. I'm not stressed, really, nor was I the type to really be matched up with having anxiety :O.

Any thoughts? Anxiety or not?

04-22-2011, 12:05 AM
It DEFINITELY sounds like anxiety disorder. The symptoms you are experiencing, such as chest discomfort, GI problems, dizziness, and headaches (including in the eye) are VERY common symptoms of anxiety disorder. Constantly thinking about anxiety disorder and its symptoms is also VERY common. However, it sounds like you are actually making some improvement when it comes to your anxiety disorder. Just remember that recovery from anxiety disorder is a very slow process. It will take some time for you to recover fully from anxiety disorder. But the mere fact that recovery seems to be occurring completely on its own is definitely a good sign. In order to facilitate recovery, try not to react to your symptoms with fear. Recognize them for what they are - anxiety symptoms. Also, do what you can to think less about your anxiety problems during the day, even if you find you can only do so a little. The less you think about them, the better. All of this (ie acceptance of anxiety symptoms and thinking about anxiety disorder less over time) will become easier as your recovery progresses. Also, remember that recovery is seldom a smooth process. During your recovery, there will inevitably be times when things seem to get worse. But this is normal. Everybody experiences setbacks as they recover.

04-28-2011, 06:15 AM
I thought that since your thread was titled "is it anxiety or no" then chances are it isn't anxiety. But wow, your going through alot. I can see your really struggling. I mean, you having problems in the bathroom was quite strange.

Just like the above answer said, you are getting better. And it will take time, but I'm pretty sure your very close to your breakthrough.

I just finished setting my blog and I wrote a really nice post talking about the power of affirmations and which affirmations you should use most especially during panic attacks. Anyways, you can read my post here- http://howtostoppanicattacksinstantly.blogspot.com

I sure do hope my blog helps you out. Leave a message below and tell me what you think about the post.

Hope I Helped...:)

God Bless

04-28-2011, 07:02 AM
New with this.
Hello, I have been having what i think is minor anxiety for about a year now, it was easy to deal with but now its seems to be getting alot worse. I have major attacks where i actually think that i am going mentally crazy! I just need to know if this is normal or if i acutally am going crazy? I dont know why this is happening to me, im 25 years old and have always been a happy person with no worries but out of no where this all hits me. If anyone could respond to reassure me that im not going crazy and how to dea lwith this anxiety it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks