View Full Version : Can't seem to cope.

04-21-2011, 02:51 PM
Hello all.

Anxiety seems to be taking over my life. I've read many threads on here about how to 'accept' what happens everyday, but I can't. This is my first post.
I'm having such difficulty. My anxiety started about a year ago, probably for a variety of reasons. Leaving home (against my own wishes), having my friends go to university whilst I had to stay behind, having my only friend at the time (for lack of any other words) screw me over. However, since just before christmas it has become unbearable. I can leave the house to go to college and the shop. But if it's to meet anyone I can't cope. I get sweaty hands, feel like I need to rush to the bathroom and mainly vomit. I've tried meditating, do the muscle relaxation things, yoga etc. Nothing really seems to help. I worry even more about the fact that i'm only 20 - surely i'm not normal?? Please help.

04-22-2011, 12:43 PM
Just remember that "normal" is a ridiculous term. In fact, you would be surprised to find out how many people around you suffer from anxiety and either hide it, or don't understand what it is yet. I've definitely felt just like you, and still do from time to time. I've had anxiety my whole life, but started having panic attacks when I was 17. I am now 27. So, 10 years later I still struggle, but I have made LOTS of progress. It started small, with me moving out of my parents house when I graduated highschool. I only had to move 40 miles away to go to college, but eventually transferred to a University that was 2 hours away from home and that scared the crap out of me. Mainly because when I suffered from panic and anxiety I just wanted to go "home". But I quickly learned that "home" is wherever I make it.

Now, sometimes when I visit my parents, and feel anxious I just want to leave and drive back to where I live now. haha.. so it's totally reversed. I also went and got a prescription to Xanax. I didn't use this as a daily medication, rather I just liked the security of knowing if I had a complete melt down, I could take a small dose of Xanax and it has been so helpful over the years.

Take baby steps, and I promise they will turn into strides. Don't get down on yourself, and remember that we may not be "normal", but we certainly aren't alone :)

If you want to talk just send me a personal message.

04-28-2011, 01:03 AM
IMJACE is right. Take baby steps and start from there. I guess the first thing I can say is don't go into taking medication. It will only ruin you and make you worse. So don't get into the habit of relying on medication. Also, I'm pretty sure you've heard of the book "Panic Puzzle" right? Anyways, it's a good book and it was most definitely worth it. You should buy it, most especially since the book caters mostly to your specific problems. You can get it here- http://www.tinyurl.com/panicpuzzlecd

It is most definitely worth it!

Hope I Helped...:)

God Bless

04-28-2011, 05:20 PM
Everybody likes to say that term that I'm not normal. What is considered normal? Just know your not going crazy because people that are crazy don't know they are, they just go about their business. You are normal but something has happened to you that has affected the way you view lifes tribulation. You have to retrain your mind to not let all the little things get to you. I know better said then done. Hope this helps