View Full Version : There IS a way forward

04-21-2011, 11:04 AM
Hi all. I havent posted here for a while. My brief time here on the forum was spent posting in complete panic not knowing what the hell was going on inside me. Anxiety well and truly stopped my life dead in its tracks. I've been terrified of intense physical symptoms, raging thoughts, absolutely overwhelmed with obsessive thinking and complete despair that this will never end. Running around stomping my feet deperate for some relief.

Anyway, I wanted to share my recent experiences with people here, there really is a way forward through this hell we are experiencing. I've been lucky enough to come across some extremely fantastic people who have recovered, and are teaching me the way forward. Its all about understanding what's going on, why anxiety causes the symptoms it does and why we think the way we do. When the whole messy thing is explained properly by other sufferers things become much clearer and some of the fear is taken away. Then its about learning to accept it, and letting it heal itself in its own time. (I know, a difficult concept). I'm still in the very early stages of this journey, but in just a few short weeks I've gone from being sofa ridden to being out and about, getting a job, even got a place to go back to university! My symptoms and thinking are all still there, but I'm learning to take it all with me, and there have already been times when it just doesnt matter so much. Human bodies heal themselves in time, we need to learn to let them without fighting.

I hope this doesnt come across as preaching, I'm still learning as I said, and I have a long way to go before I learn not to fight the symptoms all the time, but I've had some successes and I simply cannot believe that I spent so long looking for miracle cures when the answer is simply "do nothing". I really works. I just wanted to share this, I had heard recovered people on the forum say this before, "acceptance is the key" and always thought "accept this are you nuts, I cant live like this!!" The truth is, is IS the answer. I know I have a long journey ahead of me, recovery takes time, but knowing I'm on the right road I'm willing to go through it and "accept" for as long as it needs. And I already feel calmer inside for knowing that, despite the symptoms.

On another note, a big thanks to Kev - your advice a few months ago when I was screaming around for miracle meds/quick methods/anything was what set me on this road in the first place. Thank you.


04-21-2011, 03:55 PM

Thanks for coming online and sharing. I am on the way to getting over my anxiety, but I'm still working at it, and sometimes it does feel like I'll never be over it - so it is really encouraging to hear from someone who is beating it! Best of luck for the future!