View Full Version : Aloha

04-20-2011, 05:29 PM
Hi Guys,

So... Here's my story. I hit my head last year and with doing so came a lot of additional issues I never thought I would have. I hit my head and went to the ER on two separate occasions before they admitted me. Turns out the CAT-Scan and MRI was fine but the injury was shutting my body down. Couldn't walk or feel my arms. In addition Vertigo was my new best friend, I knocked those nodes loose.

The holiday season came and I had a panic attack, at the time I didn't know what it was. Just the symptoms alone I called 911 went to hospital. They asked the basic questions, then are you bi-polar or stressed. I said who isn't stressed in these times and was referred to a therapist. I looked at the referral and shoved it in my bag. I thought I was fine. Please who needs a therapist. Time went by and on January 2nd went back to he ER, had another panic attack. It was the same feeling and sensation. Just never knew it was a panic attack. Finally after some more tests the doctors sent someone to me who explained what was happening. She told me if I didn't get help, it would get worse. She scared me straight.

Now I've been in therapy for about 3 months. I have been suffering from migraines and minor panic attacks, fine. I have noticed as of late that the attacks also happen when I'm in a small space surrounded by people. No one can ride the elevator with me, if they do they have to be on the other side. I tried going to church for the first time for palm sunday and I couldn't stand the crowd around me I started trembling and had to leave to get some air. I went back after the crowd wasn't around the entrance. I haven't taken public transportation and just the thought of it while talking with my therapist sent my body into panic mode. It's really making me angry. I never had any issues like this before I hit my head. It's really starting to scare me and I decided to join an anxiety site to see if I can pick up some pointers and just chat to calm my nerves. :(

Thanks for reading :)


04-20-2011, 10:32 PM
I'm sorry about you hitting ur head. It looks like it has triggered something you that is causing this to happento you. The best thing you can do is talk to a good therapist about what is happening. Just don't get frustrated by it because it will get better. Just don't ignore it.good luck

05-29-2011, 11:05 PM
Thank you for your response. I did ignore it in the beginning lol and it sent me to the ER twice. The buspar helps but I just hate taking drugs. Plus the vertigo is just upsetting me more. Finally went to another doctor who gave me exercises to do for that. This is such a new world and it's freaking me out. Just taking it one day at a time. Thanks again for your response.