View Full Version : Am I going crazy?!

04-20-2011, 01:07 PM
Hey everyone, I've been suffering from anxiety/depression/panic attacks since Christmas. I've had every test done. Blood tests, catscans, brain MRI's, you name it, and I've been taking 150 mg of zoloft daily for about 2 months now. The panic attacks have almost dissapeared, but I'm still having all day feelings of being disconnected from my limbs and my vision has been strange too. IDK, sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy and It freaks me out alot. My neck and head is always really tense, and I'm in constant fear that I'm just gonna turn off and die at any second. It's a messed up way to live and it's hard to cope with. Btw, I'm only 22 years old. I guess my question is, is It normal to feel these "I'm in a dream" feelings?