View Full Version : Lexapro

04-19-2011, 12:08 PM
Just got prescribed Lexapro. Has this helped anyone? What were your side effects?

04-19-2011, 12:36 PM
Speaking from personal experience, lexapro has worked well by calming down my anxious thoughts and behaviors. It does make you a little sleepy though(this may not apply to everyone). If it makes you too sleepy ask your doctor if you should cut down the dosage.

04-19-2011, 02:22 PM
Speaking from personal experience, lexapro has worked well by calming down my anxious thoughts and behaviors. It does make you a little sleepy though(this may not apply to everyone). If it makes you too sleepy ask your doctor if you should cut down the dosage.

I only took 1/2 a pill today (first day). I feel a little different right now, not sure the side effects i'm feeling. Not too tired yet although I could always go to sleep.

04-19-2011, 04:06 PM
Possible side effects of Lexapro are just pretty much those typical of the SSRIs: drowsiness, nausea, emotional numbing, 'spaciness', weight gain, loss of libido, etc.

04-20-2011, 10:11 AM
Possible side effects of Lexapro are just pretty much those typical of the SSRIs: drowsiness, nausea, emotional numbing, 'spaciness', weight gain, loss of libido, etc.

I definitely feel the nausea. Does this go away after time? It was my first day and I go from feeling sick to being completely OK. I better not gain weight or i'll get off this pill.

04-28-2011, 03:34 PM
How is Lexapro doing for you? I just started 3 days ago on 5 Mg definitely feel different. Anxiety isn't SO bad anymore. But I feel weird. It's difficult to describe. Almost like I'm not real. Also makes me very tired!

04-30-2011, 03:38 PM
A lot of people (including me) experienced this weird feeling in the first few days/weeks. It will most likely subside so don`t worry about it. After the weird feeling was gone, my mood got better. I`m still on my second week, so and i hope the effects will become more noticeable but so far i`m happy with the medication.

05-01-2011, 09:08 AM
I hope it works for you, it didn't do anything for me, although it didn't make me worse.... Most people have a hard time coming off them, i certainly did. HOWEVER, not everyone is the same. I found that starting Lexapro was the easiest of the 4 different types of AD's i was prescribed. I experienced minimal side effects, but unfortunately didn't do much other that make me sleep better....

05-01-2011, 03:49 PM
essjay how long did you take the lexapro for? alot of people give up on the meds after a couple of weeks and then say that it didnt do anything for them. All these anti depressants takes time more then a month.

Charlie Sheen
05-02-2011, 02:56 PM
essjay how long did you take the lexapro for? alot of people give up on the meds after a couple of weeks and then say that it didnt do anything for them. All these anti depressants takes time more then a month.

I'm about halfway through week 4. I can just tell a bit of a difference in my mood swings. But I still have anxiety that builds up every couple of days. Some days are good though. Not sure which days are psychological and which ones are the medication. But waiting to see changes really sucks.

On day two (or that night rather) I awoke at about 2:00AM with a radiating pressure in my chest. No symptoms directly related to the heart, and it subsided in about 3 minutes. I think I took a Xanax and went back to sleep. Went to the doctor and got checked out. The heart was fine.

On night five, I had weird nightmares about going crazy. That was a real freak-out experience. Was up for about an hour watching TV and waiting for the Xanax to kick in.

Changes seem to be very slow. I still have bad days, but they alternate with some good days. The Dr. upped my level from 10 to 20 mgs. at the start of week 4 (about three days ago).

Again... waiting sucks.

05-02-2011, 05:18 PM
Charlie Sheen? Reeally??

05-02-2011, 05:20 PM
I'm also on Celexa which helped out tremendously! Postpartum. But I just moved to another state and I need a physician who will prescribe Xanax or valium. I obviously can't see my dr. from the state I moved from! Ugh!

Charlie Sheen
05-02-2011, 07:11 PM
Charlie Sheen? Reeally??

Not quite. I'm sure he's been on a lot stronger stuff than lexapro.

05-03-2011, 02:18 AM
Not quite. I'm sure he's been on a lot stronger stuff than lexapro.

Yeah he is on a lot of stronger stuff... he`s on a drug called charlie sheen :D

05-09-2011, 10:10 AM
I stopped taking those Lexapro pills after the 2nd day. Went to the doctor last week and she prescribed me the generic form of Zoloft. The first day was OK, I had a lot of energy. Today I feel more anxious than I do in the first place. Hopefully after taking them for a week or so and upping my dosage to 50mg will help in a few days. I have anxiety issues, not so much depression issues but was given this. Is this common for a doc to give me something that gives me the thing i'm trying to get rid of? lol

Charlie Sheen
05-13-2011, 11:14 AM
Well I guess the stuff finally started kicking in. I've been taking 20 mg/day for two weeks, as of today, and that was after three weeks of taking 10 mg/day. I take it in the morning. When I've driven to lunch over the last few days, I feel very tired. More relaxed than I usually feel. Very strange. I was very tired after work yesterday and just went to be for about an hour. Didn't fall asleep, but just laid there in a very relaxed (almost depressed) mode thinking "I don't care about anything". Eventually got up, ate dinner and watched some TV.

I got to sleep last night without any Ambien. But woke up at about 3:00 and had to take some to go back to sleep. That's new.

Today I feel weird and tired. Hope this subsides in the near future.

06-09-2011, 10:23 AM
Lexapro didnt agree with me at all, took it for 2 weeks and went around the place like a zombie!! had been on Amitriptyline before so asked Doctor to put me back on that because it worked really well for me before :)

06-11-2011, 05:46 AM
I've just started Lexapro (third day in) took 5mg first day, felt alright, yesterday took the full 10mg and felt SHOCKING and then the side effects just went away after 5 hours, then today took another 5mg to ease myself into it. So far it's alright... It took a lot for me to resort to anti-ds so my body is automatically resisting to it... plus I am taking it mainly for anxiety so the feeling of slowing down causes me anxiety because I am a control freak, so it takes away some of that feeling... which I guess for me is the point... just taking a bit of time atm!

I hope they work... I took Zoloft for PND about a year ago and after 2 days I stopped because they made me suicidal. I hope these meds ease the anxiety for me.