View Full Version : pleasee help if anyone is going through what i am!
04-16-2011, 06:07 AM
I have an anxiety disorder, I live in fear that I'm going to feel sick, which makes me feel sick when I worry about it! Feel sick everyday. Doctor prescribed me citalapram but because of my fear of feeling sick I only took two because I had such bad side effects. Its destroying my life :'( if anybody is going through the same, any advise or help would be greatly appreciated, Belle
04-18-2011, 12:56 PM
I too have anxiety and the fear of anxiety. I even have good days but I am worried that the good days aren't real therefore making me more anxious and the good day turns to a bad day! I too have been prescribed the generic version of Celexe and will not take it for fear of taking it and side effects. I have decided that I am going to try to deal with it and use the medication as a last resort no hope option. I have been working on relaxition techniques and breathing exercies this week. I beleive this has helped me. Although my anxiety has been tricky in the past and once I cope with one symptom something new will pop up. So I hope my body doesn't get use to this new techniques and the old crap comes flooding back. I am trying not to let it stop me from doing what I want to do. Although it has in the past and I realized that I was more anxious avoiding the things I wanted to do than just doing them. Does this relate to you at all? Oh I have been suffering for about a year now.
04-18-2011, 04:42 PM
Thank you for you're reply, I really relate to what you are going through. I too, have some good days but I always think its not going to last and so it turns into a bad day. I try to carry on and do what I want but its getting harder as I'm so scared of feeling sick wherever I go. Do you have any relaxation and breathing tips? Definitely won't be taking any meds again, only took 2 doses and still had the nasty side effects for days after, couldn't sleep at all and thought I was having a heart attack the way my heart was racing and how I was burning up! Its nice to know that I'm not the only one going through this. Really fed up with it all now, feel like I'm going crazy sometimes! Really down. I wonder can u be hypnotised to completely get rid of it?! Belle
04-18-2011, 08:38 PM
So I have to have 10 posts before it will let me post links. The following is a website my boyfriend found and It has helped me. I have also been keeping a journal of how I am feeling, why - when - and to what extent. In my journal I also include any fears or irrational thoughts I had that day. After I write all my crazy stuff down I go back and analyze it, I write down what would be the outcome if this was to come to pass and rationally what are the chances that this will happen. So far I have found the breathing thing to be my biggest help. My dizziness has definately decreased in the last couple days.. also I been wearing sunglasses when I'm outside.
04-19-2011, 11:37 AM
I find that heated Yoga really helps me. Sometimes I'm a little anxious when I go into practice but by the time I'm done I usually feel WAY better. I think it has something to do with breathing and the endorphins it releases. My yoga instructor also said that back bends are really good for stress. I wish I had the time to go it every day. =/
04-20-2011, 12:05 PM
It s a vicious circle you re scared of being scared.I know what you mean like you re feeling like ur going crazy.I could not stand to have anyone talk to me because I would be so scared that I would get bad news.If someone mentioned my name I would panic and my heart would start racing.What really helped me was bach flower remedies.I m much more emotionaly stable and I can think almost normaly and don t worry as much.Sure it hasn t fixed anything but I don t shake or,feel sick all the time or live in constant fear.
There is the famour one rescue remedy thats really good if you have anxiety attacks.
For Fear:
Red Chesnut - for a worry and anxiety about the welfare of the loved ones;
Mimulus - for any fear with a clear and identifiable cause;
Rock Rose - for extreme terror ( accident, violence);
Aspen - for fear where is no clear cause and to counteract vague feelings of foreboding;
Cherry Plum - to stay on top of our emotions when we fear to lose control;
For Fear, Anxiety and Worry:
White Chestnut - calms repetitive, worrying thoughts;
Larch - for people who fear and expect failure;
Agrimony - for people who worry in secret but hide from their fears by making a joke of things.
Other Fear and Worry remedies: Vervain, Chicory, Gorse, Elm, Cerato, Impatient, Centaury, Walnut.
I m going toget hypnosis for my anxiety in a month or so ,I could tell you how that works out if you like
I hope that helps
05-02-2011, 04:21 PM
Thank you soo much for you're replies. Please do let me know how the hypnosis goes, I'm having trouble finding the right place. Don't want to have to wait too long, as its got that bad that I havnt left the house for 3weeks. Any idea how much it costs? I would pay every penny I have to get rid of this.
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