View Full Version : How I'm coping

10-02-2006, 01:03 AM
Hey guy's it's been a long time since I came here....just wanted to let you know whats been going on with my anxiety/panic and whatnot.

Well I decided a few months ago to just stop taking the meds cold turkey, I had a bad allergic reaction to the zoloft and i got a huge rash all over my body that stayed on my body for months. So I just said screw ALL the meds, and it was the best decision I ever made. See I was relying on it, and thinking that I needed them and when I didn't have them it made my anxiety way worse. It was very hard for the first couple of weeks but I got through it.

I have had 1 small attack yesterday and I was starting to have one today but you know what I did? I said "stop thinking about it its not worth wasting your time over it wont change anything you've had these attacks before and you're still here" to myself and that completely broke the panic attack up and it vanished! I am going to say that the best remedy for panic/anxiety attacks is to NOT THINK ABOUT IT! I know sometimes it can be hard but when you're worrying your head off about if you're going to die, or if you have diseases, or whats happening to you, STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! Think about things you like, think about things that will help you completely lose the panic attack...I think about music a lot or I'll start singing a song or I will think about something else. The worst thing you can do when you're having an attack is think about it....that just makes it so much worse! Do you ever notice when you aren't thinking about it at all you don't have them? But then the second you think about it it starts hitting you and messing up your entire life.

Well thats it from me folks I appreciate everything you guys have done for me and I'll try and come around to help out other people but I think I am about 95% anxiety/panic free.

"Don't worry be happy!" Life's too short to be worried if you're going to die all the time...that's no way to live. 8)