View Full Version : I'm new to this, as I'm hoping others are too.

04-15-2011, 08:48 AM
Hello...everyone. I'm not sure how to start this, as I've never participated in any internet forums before. But I thought with the subject of anxiety and depression, it would be beneficial and comforting to connect with others who share these troubles. That's what I'm here for.

I'm in my mid twenties and working full time currently. I did not enter college straight out of high school; I actually just started taking classes at a local community college this past winter. This was a nerve wracking step that took years to decide on and then six months of counceling just to prepare for :-/ I felt a little...deflated that I was so scared of the college expierence that most people look forward to so much.

I'm in a relationship with a boyfriend who has been a major source of support and strength. While I feel understood and supported by him, and I feel he really does understand my anxiety issues, he cannot relate to them. While he is plagued with ADD, he doesn't get the debilitating fear I get when interacting with people and surroundings that I'm not familiar with . He's IN his element when he's OUT of his element, if that makes sense, where as I'm just out of my element when I'm out of my element...

I have one close friend who has taken the time to understand my issues, where as I don't believe my other friends fully grasp what I go through. I have a younger sister, fresh into college right out of high school, who has anxiety that practically mirrors mine (although hers is also coupled with some physical ailments that I don't suffer from). Until finding this forum, she's really the only other anxiety-sufferer that I've been able to talk to.

I'm a writer and feel more comfortable behind words than I do face to face, which makes it difficult to meet new people. I'm hoping this'll be a useful transition into getting better at that. And more than anything, I want to connect with others who go through this too.

04-15-2011, 04:27 PM
Hi FelineGrace,

Welcome to the forum, I'm also a writer and it was when I started writing that I became more insular, went out of the house less, and i developed anxiety in part because of that. I've altered my behaviour now and am getting there slowly, but I can understand a lot of what you are going through. Welcome to the forum, and I hope you find a lot of support and advice here.


04-16-2011, 01:32 PM
Thank you both, Kev and Adam :-)