View Full Version : not sure if i have anxiety cant explain or no one understands me!

04-11-2011, 02:18 PM
Hi, I am looking for some help not sure what is wrong with me, up until last august i was happy go lucky not a care in the world, i am 33 years old. i was out walking one evening when suddendly i felt weak and as if i was having an outer body experience, was taken to hospital as my heart rate went up to 200 bpm. Now since then i am scared all the time i am convinced that this is going to haappen again, I am convinced that i am going to die, i only feel safe in my own bed although i do get through the day and i do go to work. the doctor is conviced that the problem is with my heart but i have had tests done and nothing i now have a loop recorder in to try to catch these episode but i think its the anxiety of fearing death that is causing this..... any advice please reply as i try to explain it to family and friend and no one understands they seem to think its in my head

04-12-2011, 03:04 AM
Hi there,

I am 24 yrs old and I have convinced myself I have heart issues, before that I thought I had a brain tumor (due to a tension headache which lasted a week). Every time i go to the doctor I complain of chest pain and make them listen to my heart. The out of body experience is a common symptom of anxiety. I actually printed off the symptoms list that is provided on this forum and it helps to look over when I am having a panic attack.Hope things become a little clearer for you :)

04-12-2011, 02:46 PM
Hi there,

I am 24 yrs old and I have convinced myself I have heart issues, before that I thought I had a brain tumor (due to a tension headache which lasted a week). Every time i go to the doctor I complain of chest pain and make them listen to my heart. The out of body experience is a common symptom of anxiety. I actually printed off the symptoms list that is provided on this forum and it helps to look over when I am having a panic attack.Hope things become a little clearer for you :)

Hi, Thanks for your reply helps to know that I am not crazy. I have had a fantastic week with very little thought that I am going to die, it does pop into my head loads during the day but I am trying to deal with it myself without meds not into taking anything. How are u feeling now are you in control of it?