View Full Version : Irritability/extreme intolerance to background noises

Shaky Stomach
09-27-2006, 02:35 PM

I am a 25 year old male who has no stress from work (as right now I'm looking for work and have been unemployed and self-employed for 2 years, so I haven't had to deal with workplace stress) but I couldn't figure out which forum to post this on, so if it's in the wrong forum, well....someone will have to move it :)

For the last 3 years or so I have been completely unable to tolerate even the tiniest background noises. Even the sound of someone doing housework is enough to completely throw me off, and ruin my ability to concentrate to the point where I have to sit and wait until the person has finished doing whatever it is they're doing so I can concentrate. It doesn't always make me irritable but sometimes it gets so bad I literally want to punch something.

I initially solved this problem by wearing earplugs so I can read/write/concentrate (sometimes I have earplugs in the entire day) but as you can imagine I can't do this all the time.

Do you know of any medical/nutritional/mental conditions which cause this intolerance to background noise?

10-21-2006, 08:50 PM
Came across your post and just had to register to this site.

I am EXACTLY the same way.

I've moved apartments four times in the last five years to try and find quiet (to the point where I think I just have to buy a house).

I, too, use earplugs to sleep and have headphones on constantly when I am alone.

Neighbours vacuuming, talking, bumping the wall, the sound of the elevator, building noises, etc. drive me insane and I do punch things (usually the wall).

It's been progressively getting worse this last year (noisiest place I've lived yet).

It's so bad that I almost listen for noises now, and when I hear them, I'm pissed off at the noise, the person making it, and myself for losing my concentration. Loud music and my TV on at the same only masks it and I end up trying to listen "through" them to hear noises. It's terrible.

I'm edgy and just go for long walks sometimes to get away from it.

I'm pretty sure I'm depressed too and I've had enough. Sometimes when I'm having a drink or smoking a little dope, I fear that it's so I can get a good sleep (not for any social benefit).

I exercise excessively to try and calm my nerves or just make myself tired enough to not care about background noises, etc.

10-22-2006, 02:09 AM
I suppose they always say Face Your Fear
Maybe you could try going to a really noisey place for like a whole day or something. And try doing work there?

Shaky Stomach
10-22-2006, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. Some days it will be much worse than others, for example sometimes I can feel a real physical irritable energy building up inside at certain noises (for example cars going past my room really bugs me right now, you can hear them coming from a mile away at night) and other days I might feel a little annoyed but there will be no physical feeling of anger.

I might be wrong, but in the summer when I was getting a lot of sun in my eyes I think it went away for a little bit.

10-28-2006, 08:36 PM
Little update...

Two days after I posted my original comments I decided to see my doctor (well, sorta, he's a walk-in clinic doctor I always luck out and get when I show up).

Anyway, we talked about my anxiety/noise issues/etc. and he thinks there are some underlying issues ("ever thus") but, before getting a referal, he prescribed .5mg x 2 daily of Xanax which has really calmed me down.

The external noises are more remote and I "recover" from being annoyed by them very quickly. I'm in a very relaxed state.

Downsides are no more weekend beers for me :(
My doc told me a little dope here and there is ok as it doesn't interact with Xanax besides just relaxing me more...

Had a Xanax, smoked a little pot with my friend and went to a movie last night. It was great. I avoid theatres in the past because of all the popcorn crunching, bag rattling, drink sucking, etc. noises.

Anyway, Xanax might be the way to go if you're feeling overwhelmed.

Shaky Stomach
10-30-2006, 11:24 AM
Thanks for the reply but personally I feel that I'd rather find the cause of the problem itself rather than just cover it up.

10-30-2006, 03:02 PM

There could be many cause for this problem what you face day by day. Some of the reasons could be polution from the air, water and food.
Lots of food contains artificial colorings,preservatives, salutions which are like poisen to our bodies.Some times we can't get them out of our system and what happens is this bad chemicals attacks our central nerveos system and becuse of that our nerves becomes dameged and after that we can't tolorate noise,smells and many other things.

Other thing, maybe something a long time ago upset you and it is coming out now .The more the noise bothers you the worse it gets on your nerves on the long run and you may and up doing something crazy.

I would like to advice you to pay close attantion to things you eat and drink and howw you feel a couple of hours later.

Ohter thing like siver mercury filling in your teeth, the mercury vapor goes up to the brain and causes a whole host of problems.

If this keeps on getting worse for you, than you may end up with anxiety, you migth already a mild form of it.Try to calm your mind and try not to focus on noise so much.I know it's easy to say than doing it.

Think about this,if it's not going to change than what's going to happen with your health a year from today.

things like like being in nature helps calm the mind, also get 8 hours of sleep nigth time, listen to calming music,do every day some breathig excerice,also walk at least 30 minutes a day,have fun, try to be happy, paint your room to a pleasent colr what you like,keep you place neet.

I hope that this info,. is of some help for you.I wish you the best.


Shaky Stomach
11-03-2006, 11:59 AM
Thanks for the advice....you say mercury in my teeth could be a problem? I do have a lot of mercury fillings, and the irritability has been increasing since around 2000 when I got my first filling....my last fillings were in 2003 and now that I think about it, things have been getting worse since then.

Is there a way to treat that without getting the fillings removed? I mean, is there a way to get the mercury out of my body/brain? Getting rid of any would be better than having all my fillings taken out and replaced.

11-09-2006, 05:19 PM

Sorry that I couldn't get back to you any sooner. You are not going to like this, but the best thing you could do for yourself is get all the mercury out of your mouth,because the longer you wait the more and more harmful, very toxic vapor gets in your system.

And on the long run will make you feel worse. Any time you chew on a gum or eat somthing what rubs against your mercury filling or drink or eat anything hot, mercury will leek out vapors, which than goes into the blood streem and up to the brain.

If you go to a dentist, then try to find one who has past the exam in the removal process.Must have proof of it. They must use a throat guard so when they are drilling ,nothing would go down your throat or air pipe.

Also the must have a tube which sucks away all the vaper caused by the drill and also the drill must be water cooled.

After removel a high dossage of vitamin C is recomended like 3000 mg a day. 1000 mg in the morning than the same at noon than the same at nigth for a good week.

To remove mercury from the whole body, the only way I know is with oral or I.V " Chelation " therapy.
Chelation comes from the Greek word " khele", which means " claw".

Chelation claws life robbing toxic metals,like mercury, calcium, plaque buildup , cholesterol deposits from the walls of your arteries.

With these prosses the toxic will leave your body in your urine.If you ever go this route than you sould check a doctor who is in alternative medicine and knows how to do this . One other thing, your kidney must be healthy.

If I'm not wrong, chelation therapy is being used since 1940 or 50 with very excelent results.

It may take months to get mercury out of your body, depends how much is there.

I"d like to give you an E_book for free. It's about anxiety, how to cure it. Once you went over it and liked it, than all I'd like in exchange is from you is a testimonial on my site in your own words. If you do this for me ,once I have it than I would also give you a audio book on how to cure anxiety and panick attacks.

I think you would be able to gain a lot of info, from it.

Visit my site and than click on the contact me link to send me an e_mail so I can send you the book.

I hope this info, helps you . :)

11-09-2006, 05:56 PM
you say that the noise bugs you. Just curious, does it make it hard for you to focus? Does it make you grind your teeth? How does it drive you crazy?

Just wondering if it is like a phobia, or maybe an annoyance?

Sounds also bugs me at certain times in the day. For me, my thoughts are constantly going, so if for instance, two tvs are on in the house...it throws off my thinking process.....like brain overload...then I cannot think or focus.

Shaky Stomach
11-13-2006, 09:38 PM
Yes, that is exactly what it does....it feels like my brain resets and I completely lose my ability to concentrate. All I can concentrate on is the background noise, instead of what I should be concentrating on.

Tokajosi, thanks once again for replying, I shall have a look at your site tomorrow, as it is very late just now. I hope I don't forget.

The Healing Guy
11-22-2006, 07:08 PM
I am here to lend a helping hand. I am a healer. I do long-distance healing purely on a donation basis. If you are truly ready to start turning things around, just drop me a line at:

[email protected]

No strings attached. Just you and me and healing energy. Remember, you are always the real healer!
