View Full Version : Possitivity

04-09-2011, 03:43 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm sick and tiered of feeling like this, and right now i need some comfort, support and possitivity as i am sure u all do!!

So i thought it would be nice to all share something possitive or comforting in this thread! something for us all to read when we are feeling down.

I shall start

Comforting - When u fear you are going mad/crazy/loosing your mind remember this ''a mad person never knows they are going mad!''

Possitive - Today i went out to north weald market with my husband and family and actually had a nice day

04-11-2011, 02:38 PM
more possitivity - a vicious circle goes round and round in your head winding your mind and body to extreame tension, the good thing about circles are that they can turn both ways you just need to learn how to turn that circle in the other direction so you can feel it unwinding x