View Full Version : Tell me I will get through this

04-09-2011, 12:30 PM
My name is Douglas and I am 22 years old and a college student. anxiety has been something i have dealt with my entire life but always kind of thought everyone experienced it. It wasnt until college that i realized that i have a problem that needs to be dealt with. recently, i have been constantly thinking that i have a "serious" health issue weather it be a pain in my side, a lump in a weird place (lymphnodes), pain in testicles, pain in my eye. because of all these "concerns" i constantly go to the doctor. i recently had a hospitalization from passing out from an anxiety attack. they did all kinds of tests to determine that i am completely healthy. even with these results i cannot control my anxiety and the negative thoughts in my head. as soon as i think about being nervous my anxiety returns (nausea, restless, emotional, just an overall feeling of wanting to jump out of my skin). i have a blessed life with not much too be depressed/nervous about but cannot escape my anxiety. my anxiety is making it impossible to focus on school, enjoy my relationship, and overall enjoy life. any advice, comments, or anything at all is appreciated. Thank you to anyone who listens.

04-09-2011, 12:44 PM
i have been perscribed xanax which doesnt seem to do anything but make me tired. the scariest part of all this is that i fear i will be like this forever and i just have to accept a depressing life. i habitually smoke marijuana which i KNOW hightens my anxiety and over the past week i have been trying to quit, but i know there is more that needs to be done than just quitting smoking.

04-09-2011, 01:13 PM
Research has shown weed certainly brings about anxiety.

Welcome to anxiety; you can work through this because you are young and becoming aware of your anxiety and symptoms.

Hang in there

04-09-2011, 01:26 PM
I hope I can get through this