View Full Version : I quit Therapy

04-07-2011, 10:01 AM
Well, I quit therapy "cold turkey." It was getting to repetitious. I would come in and and she would say how was your week? I would respond with the usual, "I thought I was having a heart attack this day, I thought I couldnt breath that day, thought of death all day long, everyday" and her response, "Well, has it happened yet? Did you do your techniques?" I know she was being helpful but I felt as though I plateaued. I learned what I learned about anxiety and panic and the effects of the thoughts and how I handled them got better and I was like, now what? I havent gone in over a month and not sure if it was the best option. I feel ok, I still struggle everyday with beleiving I have a serious heart problem, but I feel like I got a lot better in general. I also didnt want therapy as a crutch for the rest of my life. Everyone is different, I know, but what do you think about this? (Especially the people that have known me for a while) (this is Charm)

04-07-2011, 02:59 PM

Sounds like my experience...went to therapy and was disappointed after awhile that it had little impact. It was nice to be heard, but felt like I wasn't helped.

I fear mostly a heart problem and my anxiety seems to move me to always fear the worst.

I am learning to accept it as anxiety until I keel over. Doesn't seem like I can do much more about it anyways. So, I might as well let it pass and move on with life.

I breathe, I meditate, I avoid caffeine, I exercise..nothing more to do.

So I just be me, or at least the new anxiety me
Hang in there,

04-07-2011, 05:02 PM
If things are getting to be WAYYY too repetitious in therapy, then you probably DO need to move on. There's just no use continuing to spend time and money on something that is not going to be of any help to you. Although it sounds like you still have work to do when it comes to anxiety, it seems like you are at a point where you know exactly what you need to do. And your therapist can't really do anything more to help you get better: it is all up to you at this point.

Then again, if you feel the need, you can always go back. And if you DO go back, nobody says you have to go every week.

04-08-2011, 09:33 AM
Thanks! I do feel as though I have more work to do, but I know what I need to do. I finally quit the blood pressure machine obsession both at home and at pharmacies/grocery stores. I dont check my pulse all day long. Im doing better, but I know I do need to continue exposures and not letting it hold me back.

04-09-2011, 09:44 PM
I somewhat quit my therapy too. in general it wasn't doing a whole lot for me. now I basically have it set up to just call and make an appt when I feel like I need to talk. so once every couple months instead of a weekly or bi-weekly thing.