View Full Version : hi new here and very worried

04-06-2011, 02:34 PM
Hey whats up guys n girls. I know i have anxiety problems but not to sure of how bad
Or if what im dealing with is actually somthing els maybe you guys can help me out?
About 3 weeks ago i started hearing a whoosh sound in my left ear that went along with
The beat of my heart so i freak out thinking it was my carotid artery blocked because i recently
About a year ago had a stent placed in my heart artery..so i was freaking out literally for 3
Days reading upon reading severly worried to the point of panic. Around the 4 day of panic i started to feel lightheaded semi dizzy but never felt like i was going to pass out or didnt feel as if i was spinning Nor did i feel nausea...now when i stand n walk around i feel odd daily semi lightheaded dizzy but not spinning constantly worried id i have a tumour or brain bleed sometimes i also feel it sitting up. I jus dont feel normal ever since i heard that whooshing sound n flew into panic mode..iv been to the hospital they checked to hear a bruit ( carotid blockage) didnt hear a bruit but said my bottom blood pressure was a lil high but shouldnt cause dizzyness ran an ekg witch came back fine for me an all my blood work was fine. So now sometime when i go on about my day i feel like im havin panic attacks but not sure if its that or somthin serious or what..so i was wondering if any one here could relate to this or shine some light on it? Thanks in advance sorry if this all seema jumbled together im posting from my phone lol