View Full Version : First relationship help!

09-24-2006, 01:51 AM
hey people my anxiety seems to be not coming on as often, but ive recently got into a relationship and well i dont know if its the anxiety taking over but i look at pictures or she talks about her ex's and i seem to get butterflies in my guts and just feel angry/depressive type feeling, and i feel she's kinda secretive, and i feel like i got low self esteem i just cant see what she sees in me im ugly lol is all this normal???

09-24-2006, 06:22 AM
i wish i knew, im totally un-experienced in that department :unsure:

However I do think that communication will help you here. Speak to your partner and tell her how you feel. Might help...

09-26-2006, 08:11 AM
yup...pretty normal.

What the hell are you posting for?

just kidding.

yup, pretty normal.

but this is koming from.....me.

Whos to say whats normal?