View Full Version : hypnotherapy

04-04-2011, 09:33 AM
been for 2 hypnotherapy appointments and the lady has told me i dont need to go back, i was expecting a lot more but she has just basicaly told me to keep practsing the dream technique and my anxiety pains/ palpatations will go away. has anybody else used this? also went for a massage and therapist told me that my neck/ shoulders were like a rock and very tense anybody got any ways to try stop this without going for massages every week? thanks

Paul Blay
04-04-2011, 10:46 AM
been for 2 hypnotherapy appointments and the lady has told me i don't need to go back, i was expecting a lot more but she has just basically told me to keep practising the dream technique and my anxiety pains/ palpitations will go away.

I'm very surprised she told you you didn't need to go back. If she's trustworthy I'd have thought she'd want to be clearer about your 'recovery', and if she isn't trustworthy I'd have thought she'd have strung you along for as long as she could.

I have had experience with hypnotherapy in the past, with some success at least on the surface, but I'm not a great fan of it. There's a school of thought that says that 'recovering' traumatic memories isn't necessary and can actually make things worse. I remembered a traumatic childhood incident I'd forgotten about, but it still isn't dealt with now - many years later. Basically I think hypnotherapy and hypnotism in general depend to a large extent on a willingness to fool oneself. That isn't necessarily entirely a bad thing, but it does mean that once you come to believe that you're just kidding yourself then there isn't anything more they can do for you.

I'd suggest looking into other therapy options. Mindfulness therapy and Neurofeedback are two possible avenues to explore. The first was recommended to me, and the second I have personal experience of.

04-04-2011, 01:50 PM
i was pretty surprised myself but as you said its better than being strung along but at the same time i dont feel as if it has achieved that much but i will have to give it time. and thanks il look into both of those.

06-03-2011, 04:54 AM
Plumb what are you doing now with your anxiety? Sometimes some hypnotherapist are either not the best for you or they do not communicate very well with the clients. How are you feeling now?

Itz Omi
06-03-2011, 09:51 AM
I went to 2 hypnotherapy sessions at $100 a pop (suppposedly the guy is normally $200 so I got a "deal") and it wasn't what I thought it would be. I wasn't hypnotized or anything, it was mostly about EFT (tapping). It was a complete waste of money for me. They figure if they can get you to cry, they've done their job, but that doesn't work for me.

I would agree that bringing up old traumatic memories isn't always a good thing, especially if it's stuff that someone has forgotten or buried, and I just don't understand going to a therapist to rehash the same depressing stuff over & over & over again year after year. Some things just take time to get over, whether you pay a mint to a therapist or not.

Itz Omi
06-03-2011, 04:19 PM
Well said, Forwells!

Besides, I'd like to know how one goes about "dealing with" these things anyway? You mean going through the pain of experiencing them as they happened wasn't dealing with them enough? You have to go through them again...and again and again, years later?

Talking things out to someone can be helpful, of course, but it doesn't have to be to a therapist for $100-200 bucks an hour. The idea should be to "get something off your chest," I would think, and not continuously marinate in it. If someone enjoys rehashing stuff over & over, then maybe it is helpful, but only temporarily. At this point, these people are probably more like "crisis junkies" with an addiction of some sort to their own misery.

06-04-2011, 03:03 AM
The therapist is right to concentrate about something bad that happened in your past IF is still affecting you. You need to come to terms with what happened and forgive yourself and anyone else who might have been involved.

Some therapists are better than others, it doesnt mean that if one therapist hasnt helped you another wont be able!