View Full Version : anxiety or what?

04-03-2011, 05:29 PM
hi im new to this site. im a 28 year old male. since as long as i could remember ive never had aniexty or any type of stress or depression. i have been at the same job for 10 years and there isnt really any stress there. my life is great i do what i want and im always happy. to be honest i dont really worry at all. well this all changed. right after xmas about 4 months ago i came down with the flu. basic flu stuff, low energy, low appitiete, at night i would shake even under a bunch of blankets (because i was cold). well after a few days my body felt better but i felt a little off in the head (virtigo sort of feeling) while trying to go to bed one night i couldnt fall asleep and for no reason i started to worry pretty bad. since this feeling was new to me i went to the emergency room. they game me antibiotics for virtigo and sent me on my way. for the next week i was very shaky and just plain worried. i was pretty much worried about the situation itself. im a healthy guy a dont go to the doctor. it went away around a week later and then i felt fine. i was back to my old self which lead me to believe that it was flu related. about a week ago it slowly came back for no apperent reason and now im worried again. it seems to be at its worse when im not keeping busy (sitting around not doing anything). i work 5 days a week and workout 5 days a week (for the last 15 years). my heart rate seems to stays at the same level, never really elevating. i just feel shaky(mostly in the legs) and have a basic worried feeling about nothing at all. ive also been somewhat edgy. at times im just shaky without any worried feeling. this isnt my typical self im very smart, very athletic person and have no stress in my life. what is this? can anyone explain?

04-08-2011, 08:46 AM
Omg this is exactly what happened to me pretty much. And in that order. I'm so shocked I thought my illness was so random being brought on by flu. Just shows your not alone! How r u doing now?