View Full Version : Deja vu? sort of...

04-02-2011, 07:13 PM
I'm not sure exactly what this is, but I'll try to explain it...

So, I've been having deja vu for quite some time now.. and I know it's probably because of anxiety because I know I have a problem with it. That's not the problem... the problem is that it's not just like I feel like i've done this before kind of thing... it almost feels like they're memories. Like my life is stuck in a loop and the same stuff just keeps happening over and over. Has anyone experienced this?

I feel like I'm going crazy. It's almost like the movie groundhog day, only I don't know when things will start to repeat...

04-03-2011, 02:03 PM
I'm not sure exactly what this is, but I'll try to explain it...

So, I've been having deja vu for quite some time now.. and I know it's probably because of anxiety because I know I have a problem with it. That's not the problem... the problem is that it's not just like I feel like i've done this before kind of thing... it almost feels like they're memories. Like my life is stuck in a loop and the same stuff just keeps happening over and over. Has anyone experienced this?

I feel like I'm going crazy. It's almost like the movie groundhog day, only I don't know when things will start to repeat...

Yes, this is actually how my anxiety started, sort of like a PTSD episode, kind of like teh whole event was happening again.