View Full Version : Freak out in office meetings, pls help!

03-30-2011, 09:32 AM
I developed general anxiety order about 8 months ago & its the worst at work and in crowds. It's peaks when I have to go into my work weekly meeting. It's small conference room ans only lasts an hour but the thought that I can't jump up & leave, or that a boss can notice my disorder, spikes my anxiety. It's awful, I literally shake & it takes a long time to calm myself down afterwards. Can anyone relate?

03-31-2011, 05:17 AM
Hi Sugarbust. I can sort-of relate. I don't have 'social anxiety' per se, but I have always gotten a little nervous being put on the spot. After I started suffering from panic attacks I did notice that being 'a little nervous' is often just the trigger needed to start a full-on attack.

04-09-2011, 10:32 AM
I have anxiety issues in our weekly meetings at work too. actually my first really really bad anxiety attack happened in one of these meetings. I always bring a drink with me into meetings because sometimes slowly focused drinking of water or something really helps me stay with it in the meeting...

05-03-2011, 02:07 PM
I can COMPLETELY relate. When I had my office job, I spent most of my time figuring out ways to get out of going to meetings at all, because the same thing happened to me. I felt trapped in any situation I couldn't easily leave without drawing attention to myself; it was silly, it was a friendly place to work, no screaming in the meetings or anything like that, but for me it was torture.

Arrive at your meetings early, and sit near the door - that seemed to help me.

Whenever there was a question about an issue, I'd volunteer to "run back to my office and get the documentation on that". Find a reason to step out, it helped a LOT.

05-03-2011, 02:42 PM
yeah those are tough. i was fortunate that the few meetings we have there are never enough chairs for everyone and i always volunteer to stand up with my arms crossed. The water thing does help. have a cup or bottle of water with you when you there and sit close to the door. that gave me comfort.