View Full Version : Hello - I'm new :) Anxiety sufferer...I think...

03-30-2011, 07:37 AM
I found out that my hubby had cheated on me a few months ago, and although I totally forgave him (I have my reasons that I don't want to talk about), since then I have been almost completely obsessed with the idea that I have caught something horrible from him.

We haven't had sex since the end of September, and about 8 or 9 weeks after that I had a full range of STI tests - all of which came back negative.

I haven't got the courage to go back and be re-tested, and because of this I worry literally ALL the time. Every time I have a cold, or a bit of a heat rash, or a muscle pain or whatever my brain automatically screams at me 'YOU'VE GOT AIDS' or 'YOU'VE GOT SYPHILLIS' or whatever.

I know in my head that I am mental - seriously...I cry nearly all the time, and can't sleep and barely eat. Have already lost about a stone and a half.

My symptoms get a lot worse when I am stressed - I am currently under pressure from a voluntary job I do, which is reasonably high stress - and since Sunday I've already lost 5lb in weight due to feeling sick with worry.

Every time I look at my kids I feel like crying because I 'know' I won't get to see them grow up because of whatever I'm 'infected' with (even though I know that I am being stupid).

How the hell do you get out of this? Does this even sound like anxiety?