View Full Version : anxiety struck me for no reason out of nowhere

03-29-2011, 09:00 PM
Hi , I have been gettin better , but today when I left to go somewhere and went somewhere it was fine then on the way home with my dad it bothered me when coming home came a bit from out of nowhere and bothered me couple hours after I got home , I'm a lil settle now , bit feel it still lingering with me any ideas? Thanks

03-30-2011, 04:38 AM
Most of the time, anxiety attacks DO just come out of nowhere. That's just the way anxiety disorder is. When you have anxiety disorder, your mind just tends to operate in an erratic, random sort of manner. And when you don't know why you are suddenly anxious, the LAST thing you should do is sit there 'spinning your wheels' trying to figure out why it happened. When this sort of thing DOES happen, the best thing to do is accept the fact that this is simply the way anxiety disorder works. Accept that anxiety will sometimes ramp up 'out of nowhere', and try to go about your life as best as you can despite feelings of elevated anxiety. But it will eventually decrease. Furthermore, the less you let this sort of thing get the better of you, the more quickly your mind will heal from anxiety disorder.