View Full Version : Manic anxiety

03-29-2011, 08:35 PM
I get these random bouts of manic anxiety, almost like manic/depression I guess. Most of the time I just have a low frequency, constant anxiety with the occasional panic attack. But every once in a while (see: now) I get out of control. It always starts with a binge (I have an eating disorder) and then I get angry at myself for the binge and then I get crazy.

I'll end up stomping around the apartment, pulling out my hair, knocking crap over. I want to DO something but I can't. I have all this pent up energy and no where to channel it because everything I think of makes me sick to my stomach. I alternately want to eat, smoke, drink, run around, eat, drink, drive, smoke, eat. The ONLY thing that helps the teeniest bit is hurting myself- usually I'll bite or cut but even that only barely talks the edge off. Even as I write this I have to get up and pace in between sentences. My heart is racing and I feel like I want to scream or bang my head against the wall or SOMETHING.

Does ANYONE ever feel like this or have any suggestions on how to make it go away?? I'll take anything you got.