View Full Version : Worried anxiety will re occur!!!

03-29-2011, 01:32 PM
I've managed thank the lord to get my anxiety somewhat under control over the last few months and (with the aid of medications) get regular sleep again. My anxiety came out of the blue after a severe virus and shocked my more than anything ever has. What scares me now is the thought of it happenig again! Like if its happened once surely it can happen again! .... I really couldn't go through that again. I'd probably top myself. ....is it likely this will come back or have I 'beaten it' now. Please give me some advice. I can only hope it was somehow linked to my illness and now I am well will never happen again ?!

03-29-2011, 10:17 PM
Hey charlosa what kind of virus did you get? Cause that's how mine came on also.

03-31-2011, 07:53 AM
Hi transam I had what i though was the flu, severe vomiting, nausea tiredness dizziness etc. However to this day I'm not it was that. Dr thinks it might well have been some random virus. It was so strange the way it happened. All kicked off while i was recovering. What's your story?! Good to hear I'm not alone