View Full Version : Sleeping issues, please help!

03-29-2011, 10:09 AM
I do not have trouble falling asleep, but I do wake up about every other hour & I'm constantly tossing & turning. I'm not getting a good quality of sleep & it's affecting my daily activies. I never had an issues with sleep before I developed an anxiety disorder.
Any advise?

03-29-2011, 11:44 AM
I had the same problem recently. You really have to remember that all of your worries, stress anxiety... its all in your mind, so when it comes to sleep you should practice some techniques like breathing exercises or meditation. I recommend self hypnosis. If you're having trouble finding resources, you can simply log on to you tube and browse away on that site. They have a bunch of self hypnosis sleep videos, meditation videos etc... that will help you but remember you have to listen. These methods aren't quick fixes like meds but they do work if you let yourself go and listen :)