View Full Version : please help

03-28-2011, 03:00 PM
Hi everyone .. so i have been suffering from anixty for almost 2 weeks now .. i have had shortness of breath for the most part of it and it doesnt go away i mean it comes and goes i find that if im playing a game im fine for a bit cuz i dont think of it or if i jump in the shower i feel ok for a bit too ... umm i just got a cold thursday so i dont know if this is makin me feel ten times worse with the feeling shortness of breath cuz before the cold came it wasnt as bad... a week ago i called ems and my oxygen level was at 100% .. it was all good so i know i have alot of oxygen it just feels like when i try taking that deep breath it wont go sometimes and when i move around it does .. i wanna know if when u guys r sick if u get like this too..and when ur not sick how long did ur shortness of breath lasted for is it normale for it to have lasted this long??... i did see the doctor and he listened to my lungs and he said it sounded all good so he didnt find the need to do xrays or blood work.. called ems again before and everything was good the 2nd time i feel like im going crazy everyone i keep wanting to go to the hospital cuz i dunno if its normale i would feel like answers

03-28-2011, 03:50 PM
so it is normale for it to have stayed this long i am also sick with a cold .. and its harder to breath now cuz i cant really breath threw my nose.. when does it go away months or ? ..