View Full Version : Butterflies

03-26-2011, 03:52 PM
Hi ,Im newbie,does anyone wake each morning with butterflies in stomach and just fear facing the day ahead ,I have had this for months and now dread bedtime If I wake up in the night ,as soon as my eyes open the jittery feeling starts it is so affecting my life now,i get jitters through the day but seem to control them and try to carry on with daily routine ,i also have started dreading going places Id rather stay home than go out ,can anyone give me advice JOANEE

03-27-2011, 10:03 PM

I get this feeling once in a while, like if something's bad going to happen. I feel the butterflies in my belly :(. I hate it because I feel the need to cry or scream.

03-28-2011, 03:14 AM
Thanks for reply Kev ,I have tried the deep breathing when I wake with this terrible feeling but it dosnt seem to help so I get up and pace aroundnot knowing what to do then try to go back to bed and get some sleep but its still there and I am only managing few hours sleep so feel tired all day,I have been on citalopram in the past but really dont want to go down that line if I can help it ,Im reading on this forum to see how others cope and hoping I can learn how to cope with this,I dont seem to have any motivation to do anything even housework I force myself in everything Im doing ,just try to put a brave face on with everyone cause I dont think they understand what anxiety is,I am going on holiday at end of June with family and I am even dreading that and I always loved my holiday probably cause I think they will see through this act I try to put on so they dont see Im so in this mess ,I know Im rambling now but thanks for reply and I will keep reading on here and try to be more positive ,JOANEE

03-28-2011, 04:19 AM
Thankyou I have ordered the Tyrosine on line I will try anything ,I hadnt heard of it but have looked up on it and sounds good thanks for your advice I shall start the B vit and fish oil too,my diet does need some change I know ,I do skip meals and tend to tit bit all day till evening meal and drink way too much coffee so going to cut back on that ,Thanks again ,Joanee

03-28-2011, 06:06 AM
Hi, Yes you described it better than me it sure does feel like something bads going to happen but Im not even thinking bad thoughts at the time ,well had some good advice from Kev so now going to try the vitamin and cut out the coffee ,Thanks for reply Joanee

03-29-2011, 01:11 AM
If you are under alot of stress you will most likely have butterfly feelings in the morning. Stress can deplete your body of important nutrients thus causing your body to react negatively. A healthy diet is definitely key. Low potassium or magnesium levels can send your body feeling all kinds of strange symptoms such as fatigue and heart palpitations.

03-29-2011, 02:17 PM
Thanks dsaintp I have been under stress doing full time work and looking after Mum who has Emphysema she was rushed in hospital with pneumonia at Christmas and she needs lots of care ,but the last month she has improved and funny thing is thats when my anxiety got worse instead of better,I have started yesterday eating regular and took B vits and fish oil just waiting for some tyrosine to come that i ordered ,I have also got wierd sensations through my body like little shocks especially when I turn my head its quit scary but hoping with the advice from this forum and all yor help I can get this under control,I was looking at 5htp do you or anyone know if it is any good ,Thanks to you JOANEE

03-29-2011, 02:59 PM
Hi Kev,Those shock like feelings are awfull never had them before,hope the Tyrosine comes tomorrow ,I ordered the 500mg capsules what dose would you recommend I take a day,I will stick with the Tyrosine and not bother with 5htp ,Thanks for everything JOANEE

03-29-2011, 03:26 PM
Thanks so much Kev