View Full Version : Hard Times

09-19-2006, 11:58 AM
Hello Every1

Recently I have returned to University after spending the summer at home. This is my fourth year and I was still very nervous about coming back.

For the last 3 years I have had a terrible time re-adjusting to university life. Its very socially demanding and also I find moving into a new place very stressful.

Despite all this, I do feel that this year I have made an improvement and get less nervous as time goes on. It just frustrates me that after doing this for 4 years im still not happy with the way things are. Tonight Ive been invited to go to a party. Im gonna go but I am scared already and would love not to go. Problem is the longer I put off social events the harder it will be to face them :cry:

Just hope that within a few days im sorted anxiety wise and I can get back on with enjoying life ;)

09-20-2006, 12:24 PM
You said it yourself, Tom, the more you put off going places because of your anxiety, the harder it gets!

Go to the party and have fun! :D

09-22-2006, 05:37 AM
man, i just fucking wrote you something, and i pressed post topik instead of reply...then i deleted it kause i recognized it was a topik instead of a response to you...so now its lost.

go to the fucking party!! be one of these :twisted:

09-22-2006, 05:52 AM
haha cheers people

Ive been back at uni for a while now. I went to the party and I did well as it was in a small space and with alot of people i don't know and hadn't seen in about a year :shock:

Been out playing sports and loads of social interaction.

Just gotta enjoy it while it lasts, cos after this year uni is over and ive gotta start life in the real world :lol: