View Full Version : Help for excessive blushers

03-25-2011, 05:59 AM
I ''was'' an excessive bluster for 18 years my problems were no different from all the others I have read over the years. I tried so many things to try and stop it even wearing frozen wrist coolers to try and keep my core temperature down. I know you are not going to want to hear this but there are no cream, no tablets etc nothing like this will help you, forget this rubbish about ignoring it, laughing about it, ''its cute'' BULLS*** its not cute its makes you look like a complete t**t I've tried it all and it dosent work THE PROBLEM IS YOU you just don't understand yet, but please read on. It got to a stage for me if I bumped in to a friend while I was out or even just looking someone in the eye when talking to them it would happen I then would look ignorant because I would make a stupid excuse to get away but then I came across something. I sure you all have had a '' please don't go red, please don't go red'' or ''stay calm'' moment in your own heads but then it happens anyway, this is what I meant when I said ''the problem is you'' and I will tell you why. I refused to read anything like this for years but it became my last resort so I understand if people stop reading on. I started learning about the subconscious mind and how powerful it is, I read a couple of books and got an understandings to be honest this made me twice as bad (once again please read on) because I was learning were my problem lied but new I couldn't control it. Some how I got on to subliminal messaging and learned a lot about it and realised THIS WAS THE KEY. subliminal messages was banned from tv and cinemas I think in the 90's because of how powerful it is at influencing the mind. You need to research this for yourself so you have an understanding of what it is about. Even when you are not in blushing situation you are thinking about it you just don't know it that is why it happens, trust me I'm an expert lol. I eventually came across a program that could download to my laptop which when I used my computer it flashed subliminal ! messages and pictures on the screen which the conscious mind can't even see but the subconscious mind can this is what makes the difference. You don't notice a difference but one day you will realise you had a moment when it should of happened but didn't that's when you notice there has been a change. If this can help me I believe it can help anyone. I have been using this for around 8 months and I would say I am 70% better than I was because I do still have moments now and then but I will overcome these aswell and I only use my laptop Mabe 4/5 hours a week. If you are going to do this research what I have wrote about and get a good understanding of how things work. Please ask my anything you like I will do my best to help. And don't buy off these idiots who say ''I was a blusher but not anymore give me £30 and I will tell you how'' bull**** you know if you had a cure you would tell people for free because you no how difficult it makes your own life.

I found this on google.
Both hypnosis and subliminal messaging intended to deliver messages to the subconscious mind in order to bring about changes in thoughts, behaviors, actions, attitudes, belief systems and value systems. The difference is hypnosis usually requires a conscious effort by the user to follow verbal instructions, while subliminal messaging does not.