View Full Version : Do I have generalised anxiety disorder?

03-24-2011, 12:12 PM
I'm almost 18 years old, and for the last few years I have become increasingly on edge. I feel tense and worried most of the time for no reason, and can never seem to relax. I am always paranoid, and feel that my friends and even boyfriend of 6 months hates me.

I mostly stuggle at school, and I go red for no reason... the other day a year 8 dropped a bottle of water beside me, and I automatically went red, even though I did nothing for the water to fall! I can also shake, and feel like I'm going to pass out over small things like walking down a corridor.

I meticulously plan everything in my head, from how many minutes I am going to eat, to how many minutes I am going to dry my hair, and I overplay conversations over, and over in my head. If my "schedule" is interupted, I will become increasingly worried. I am somewhat afraid of the phone, and will not ring people I am very familiar with.

I am starting to get paranoid that people think I am "crazy" and people often say to me, "why can't you just relax."

It is ruining my quality of life, but I am too afraid to go to the doctor, and I am paranoid that maybe my feelings aren't an anxiety disorder, or maybe they aren't as bad as I think.

Has anyone experienced similar feelings, and how did you explain to the doctor how you feel? Were they helpful?

Thanks, Em.

03-24-2011, 05:57 PM
Everything that you describe here sounds like anxiety symptoms. Symptoms such as feeling tense for no reason, being embarrassed about what others might think of you, and worrying that you could have something more serious are all classic symptoms of anxiety disorder. It's hard to say whether it is GAD, social anxiety, or something else. But when it all comes down, it's just anxiety disorder. As for seeing a doctor, you may want to see one to confirm that there is indeed nothing else wrong with you. And if the doctor confirms that your problem is just anxiety disorder, accept this diagnosis and work from there.

On the other hand, if you see a doctor, there is a VERY high likelihood that he is going to want to put you on medication (most likely some type of antidepressant). Antidepressants MAY help you. But they may not. Given this fact, the high potential for side effects, and the potential for dependency, I don't think this is the first road you should take (as much as your doctor might push this as 'the solution'). You might consider seeing a therapist, if you can actually find a good one. Or you might try reading a good self-help book on the matter. But at least for the time being, do try to relax and keep yourself distracted by doing things that will keep your mind off your anxiety. Also, if you have symptoms, try not to react to them with fear. I know that this is basically just the same thing that everybody tells you to do, and maybe it has not worked for you. But keep one thing in mind that they probably AREN'T telling you. Specifically, with anxiety disorder, you are not going to just be able to just 'turn all this anxiety off' like a light switch. Bringing down your baseline anxiety level will take time - and probably LOTS of it. But by trying to be more relaxed (even if just by a little at a time), you can slowly bring your anxiety levels down. Just be prepared to give it time. And be prepared for bumps in the road - sometimes anxiety levels increase for a time for no good reason.

I should also add that you might want to look into other stressors in your life. If you have problems at home or in school (for instance), then these things could have contributed to your anxiety disorder. And they could hinder recovery. I don't know what kinds of issues you might have here. But dealing with these things is important as well.