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03-23-2011, 07:50 AM
I really think I know what caused my anxiety, I am almost 90% sure what made it spike to a level that I deal with it daily now but if you know what is causing it how do you fix it. I know that I shouldn't let it bother me and I don't let it but with the stress it has caused in the beginning which was 9 months ago it has stirred up other problems that causes worry. I have always had a mild case of OCD but not much to really bother me. By with the major stress I was dealing with it has caused my OCD to show itself more in other ways mostly with obessive thoughts. But doesn't anxiety cause this as well? I have heard that tramatic evens in ones life can cause people with OCD more problems but if so does it ever go back into remission.

03-23-2011, 06:14 PM
Please go into more details with when these problems started happening, what "stress" are you talking about please go into detail. Are you talking to any type of counselor, or seen a doctor, although the medical road shouldnt be the first step, it should be the last one. please discribe what kind of emotional/feelings you are exsperiencing, as well as how often, and any thing you feel is triggering these feelings.

03-24-2011, 02:28 PM
stress causes my anxiety too. and i have ocd as well. stress meaning ANY KIND OF STRESS> mostly my kids but any little thing some one does to piss me off sets me off. for days and weeks. i am some what of a grudge holder. anyways what kinds of stress are you talking about