View Full Version : Chest Vibrations/buzzing/fluttering

03-22-2011, 04:58 PM
Does anyone feel like there is a cell phone in a front pocket of their shirt when there is not one?? This is my latest struggle. I wake up every morning feeling like my heart is pounding I quickly take my b/p and pulse and they are normal (117/72 heart rate of 70). Now all day today i feel like my heart is vibrating!! I went to my gen doc on my lunch break she listened and said everything sounds fine!!! HELP ME I can not get over this one!!

03-22-2011, 08:19 PM
I know that its hard to get over i have alot of crazy symptoms that are hard to swallow. for example chest pains, upper back pain, unbalanced, lightheaded and thats just to name a few these are constant every single day issues that i deal with. i notice that i dont noticed when i am really busy doing things but when i am thinking about it i have gotten in the habit of just sitting in my recliner and rocking ...it sucks but i have never had the vibration feeling. do you maybe have acid reflux. i have it but i know alot of people that feel the bubbling in there chest.....maybe thats what you are feeling. hope this helps
Negative thoughts = anxiety and panic, anxiety and panic = negative thoughts

03-30-2011, 05:02 PM
Does anyone feel like there is a cell phone in a front pocket of their shirt when there is not one?? This is my latest struggle. I wake up every morning feeling like my heart is pounding I quickly take my b/p and pulse and they are normal (117/72 heart rate of 70). Now all day today i feel like my heart is vibrating!! I went to my gen doc on my lunch break she listened and said everything sounds fine!!! HELP ME I can not get over this one!!

I have the same thing, my heart flutters and buzzes intermittently, especially at night. It can be terrifying, as it is heart related. I had a doc check my heart, and she spotted it was anxiety before I did. If your heart rate is in the 70's like me, then you are fine - that is a normal resting heart rate, especially when one considers that your stress at having the heart jumping will increase your heart rate slightly.

Understand as well that it can be self-fulfilling. I'll often think "Oh, is my heart fluttering?" then I'll wait and a minute later it'll be REALLY fluttering. This is because the symptom worries me, which increases anxiety which increases the symptom, which increases the anxiety. Get your mind off it, if the doctors say you are fine, then believe them, know it is anxiety, an distract yourself away from it.