View Full Version : Recovery

03-22-2011, 02:56 PM
Do you ever really recovery from anxiety? I see that there is people on here that have had anxiety for years. Why does it take so long to recover? It has been 9 months for me and I have done everything I could to get over this as fast as possible. I relax after work, I play with my 5 year old, I occasinally go for a run/walk, I take my vitamins, I take the med the doctor said would help, I try to keep my stress at a very low level, I go out with friends and I spend alot of time with my loving wife. It just seems like it will never end. It is so exhausting I yawn all the time and I feel tired everyday from the time I get up to the time I go to sleep. I do keep pushing forward with the help of my wife and friends and my 5 year old. I just want my life back. Sorry for the rambling.