View Full Version : exercise and anxiety---no pain no gain?

03-22-2011, 11:19 AM
So, I went and ran today for some exercise. I'm already anxiouse that something is wrong with my heart and have been anxious lately.

Would constantly check my pulse durign exercise and it felt like it was abnormal and beating very fast...I think maybe around 150-160...high for me. When running I am generally at 120-140.
Not sure if anxiety is increasing because I am afraid of dropping any minute from a heart attack or if there is somethign wrong and exercise is bringing it on?

Only felt short bursts of pain occassionally in my chest, but I also did push ups.

Checked my BP immediately afterwards and it was 146/88 and pulse was 125 (Not bad after exercise I think)

I'm afraid something is wrong with my heart; feel horribly anxious while exercising. My pulse felt abnormal.

My Doc sent me to get a stress test last August and it came back okay....but that was 7 months ago and don't remember having the irregular beats or fear back then. if I ask for another stress test, I imagine he'll just chalk me up to an anxiety freak and say no.

What should I do or how should I approach this?

03-22-2011, 12:46 PM
yes i know what you are going through. i have actually gotten to the point where when i stand up i feel unbalanced and lightheaded almost and i just want to sit back down which i know is no good for me.....i rarely do anything really i mowed the grass this past weekend and thought i was going to die of a heart attack only when i stopped mowing and realized just how fast my heart was beating. i usually dont notice it unless i stop moving. i sometimes get short of breath but i think this is all from smoking and being lazy this last winter season. idk but i hope that it goes away soon. i have been wearing the heart monitor for 30 days and i had a ekg and also i go for a treadmill and echo on the 30th so i hope its all good there which i am sure it will be. anyways i hope this helps knowing that you are not the only one.


03-23-2011, 04:32 AM
Dont worry j2005, there is absolutely nothing wrong with u, its just your heightened anxiety levels giving you those chest pains (its simply the nerves on the chest that are paining and nothing else, same for the pain all over the body, face..etc) anxiety disorder is cruel, its make you feel very very sick in the mind and body, thoughts out dying of a heart attack is most common, every second you start feeling you will collapse if you exert too much...these are nothing but pure crap thoughts that anxiety disorder gives you,

I had been like you when i had i got my 1st attack a year back, for 4 months i was afraid to even brisk walk, forget running...got my stress test done came out with flying colors....No sooner i realized that all the thoughts and symptoms are part of this disorder and absolutely harmless and senseless...i put on my sport shoes, challenged myself...started with fast walking, then jogging...running....and finally started to sprint with full power nonstop for 5 minutes...now i walk and run for 30 minutes nonstop everyday...

The most important parts of our body especially the heart is not controlled by the brain, its on auto pilot, the fake fear created in the brain cannot stop it ever, but surely can make it race fast due to anxious thoughts...but our heart is very very strong...it can go on without any problem beating fast the whole day....but anxiety attacks only remain for few seconds or minutes ...Also its medically proven that panic attacks and all the symptoms associated with it don't cause any harm whatsoever to the human body, The mind is simply trying to fool us and make us believe we will collapse and die....this is pure rubbish...try closing your nose and mouth and stop breathing..use your full mental will power to not breath..within few seconds your body will overtake your mind and take control and you will start breathing.....the mind is just a ball full of illusions showing you 95% crap...and only 5% fact...its just our belief in this crappy illusion that's the root cause of all our problems.

The only way to get out of this disorder is to keep yourself busy with good work...Not give any attention to the sensations and thoughts and do all that you love to do or you use to love to do....Within few days you will recover and wont even remember the disorder....but if you fear the fake fear....it will take a long time to settle down......Please dont buy the negative crap your brain is trying to sell you....challenge your negative belief's....do all the things you fear and you will win over this disorder for sure...:):):)

03-24-2011, 03:41 PM
Thanks Achelle and Jar4u... I really appreciate both of your encouragement!