View Full Version : Hello Again

03-22-2011, 10:06 AM
Hello all, it has been a while since I posted anything. I was doing alot better and finally getting back on track but the last couple of days for some reason has been a little nerve racking for me because I feel some of the old syptoms coming back for some reason. I am trying to keep my mind focused on other things but as you all know it is really hard to do. I have had anxiety for 9 months now and it has gotten better but it has been a fight. It seems like when it is gone you start to wonder if it will return and then it starts the cycle again. It is like it is a back and fourth process that does get tiring and old. I was wondering how long has some of the users on here been struggling with anxiety? During the day do you experience symptoms that makes it worse that gets your mind thinking irrational thought? It seems like I get tension in my back everyday that goes up into my neck and when this happens I get a worry feeling that then turns my anxiety level up. The physical symptoms that it causes is hard to understand.

03-22-2011, 01:00 PM
yes i know exactly what you mean. i have upper back issues too and i think that its bad posture mixed with acid reflux. and the cycle thing um yea really hard to break i dont know why i think about it when everything is all good its like a automatic thing. it really stinks. i have had anxiety for almost 3 years. ever since my second child was born. it has really changed my life for the worse but i some how crawled out of the hole i was digging myself just to jump back in again. i dont really know how to break the cycle i just know that it takes a different type of thinking. for example instead of you saying my chest hurts its heart attack instead i say my chest hurts acid reflux or strained muscle the more you worry the more you are anxious. turn that worry into something better. i read about people that have anxiety but still work and lead regular lives and i wish i could be that way i dont know if there on meds or what but i am not a big fan of meds. ANYWAY lol yes i have it and know exactly what you mean