View Full Version : Supposed to be on Paxil

House Dad
03-21-2011, 12:57 PM
I have medication issues. Always worried about the side effects. Anyone have experience with Paxil?

03-21-2011, 03:27 PM
I know how people can pressure you to take medication that you don't want to take. But keep this one thing in mind: you have the final say as to whether you take this medication or not. Because none of those people out there who thinks it's SO important that you take Paxil has to deal with the potential negatives of taking it (such as side effects and addiction). Of course, this brings me to the million dollar question: might you benefit from Paxil? You might. It's possible that it might bring you relief. But here's the catch. That relief will probably be FAR from complete. There are the aforementioned negatives. And then there is the big one: Paxil will NOT cure you. At best, it will mask your symptoms to some degree. Much of this has also been shown to be largely placebo effect - something you WON'T get if you actually fear the medication. At worst, taking Paxil could create a bigger problem for you than whatever anxiety you suffer from. ESPECIALLY if your anxiety disorder is not too serious in the first place. So keep this in mind. And don't let anybody try to bully you into taking Paxil. If your therapist insists, see someone else.

House Dad
03-21-2011, 06:57 PM
Thanx Robbed. Sound advice that I will be taking into consideration.

03-22-2011, 12:46 AM
i take pristiq and have no side effects. basically with all anti depressants, ssri snri or tca's, the side effects are all pretty similar. if you're googling side effects of paxil, im sure you'll find plentiful stories of how it was the most horribe experience ever. anti d's are a hit and miss, sometimes they help, sometimes they don't. sometimes people switch because one didnt work, and the next one does. Unfortunately theres no other way of knowing until you do it.
as robbed said, and i concur with his post, it won't cure you. It certianly hasnt cured me, but it definitely took me from rock bottom to a better headspace. Like you, I feared them and took me around 6 months before i went.
It's completely up to the person. My mum takes anti depressants once every like 5-6 years when she's working too hard and the weight gets too much. She crashes, takes med's for 6 months, feels better, and then quits cold turkey, with no horror story attached.
It's all up to you, i do however suggest exhausting all other avenues before taking meds.

03-22-2011, 01:12 AM
Here's something else you need to ask yourself: Are you REALLY that badly off? If you just don't feel that great, but can basically manage, I would DEFINITELY not take any antidepressants. Also, even if you don't feel that great, but feel like you HAVE been making progress in terms of your anxiety disorder, don't take antidepressants.

03-23-2011, 11:35 AM
Although Im not going to list all my previous history here....I have chosen the drug road for many reason, manly because I couldnt get any thing to work! I have been on many medications
that just havent worked. Just started Paxil yesterday, I hope that this will be the one that will help me just enough to function so I will be able to deal with this issue for the long term..

Id be interested on how you reacted to paxil.

House Dad
03-24-2011, 09:50 AM
I'm not actually sure if I'm going to take the paxil. I am trying to do it without drugs. It's not easy....

03-24-2011, 01:59 PM
To house Dad,

The drug road should be the last resort. something my girlfriends told me was, If you are able to make it to the "party" and have anxiety or panic, then drugs are not the answer, its something you must work out with a counselor or a loved one. If you are unable to make it to the "party" because of the anxiety or panic, then the drug rough is a short term fix in order to get your might in a position to over come it. Drugs are not the answer, just a helping hand.

I my self have hit rock bottom, and decided to go the drug road along with weekly sestion of counseling(I was sooo against going to see a cousler, but its really is helping.). Only problem is, these types of drugs take ALONG time to work, and it its a good change it will take 3-4 different drugs to figure out which is right for you.

Currently i went from 2mg Zoloft to 10mg Paxil, and Have noticed not a change at all. even my doctor is amazed on how my body isnt reacting to any of these drugs. Its a difficult desition, but ask your self: "Can I make it to the "party", or cant I. Best of luck to you House dad.