View Full Version : Help Please

03-20-2011, 12:43 PM
Hello, I need some advice in a hurry. I have to fly to Florida on business tomorrow and I am getting really anxious. I have had anxiety/panic for about 10 years now. Other than giving up coffee and having the Doc prescribed me xanax (only use when absolutely neccessary) I have done nothing but fight, deny, and avoid this problem. I just can't believe the phobias I have developed like leaving my "safe zones" (work,home). I use to travel all over the country with no problem at all. Had my first "full blown panic" in a car, haven't been the same since. And now faced with this trip I must take with several coworkers to a national convention, I'm leaving my safe zones to everything unfamiliar and no one knowing how I feel. I have thought of every excuse to tell my boss why I can't go, but I'm tired of running. I need some advice on how to handle this trip. I want peace and feel confident I can overcome this. I'm taking my xanax with me "just in case". Any other advice? similar experiences?


03-20-2011, 02:18 PM
One thing ive really found which sometimes helps me is challenging your negative thoughts while you're in the situation just like talking to yourself in your head and telling yourself you will be fine (which you will be)
Also breathing techniques like breathing in for 5 and out for 7.

These are just things that sometimes help me :/