View Full Version : Anxiety, ibs

03-20-2011, 08:12 AM
Ive had anxiety for over a year now (about 18 months to be exact)
I stopped going to college, then i stopped catching buses, then i left my job and stopped going out all together. I didn't go far from my house because i was scared of needing the toilet when there wasn't one near.
Ive started having cbt and i have started leaving the house and even can drive 10 minutes away up to the shopping centre and shop for up to 4ish hours.
I have started getting better at challenging my thoughts as well.
But i still haven't got a job and dont drive either.
I haven't been on a bus in over a year either and im really nervous and starting to get a job. I really want a job and to learn to drive but im so so so so soooo scared.
I also have a boyfriend who i have been with for just over a month and he comes to see me or i get my parents to give me a lift up to the shopping centre. Also he stops over and im okay using the toilet at home but i want to go up and stay at his house but im too scared because if i need the toilet i will really need it and it can get embarrassing if like i stink out his loo.
Sorry for the long post, has anyone got any advice?? :( :(

03-22-2011, 08:28 PM
yes i know exactly what you mean i actually stopped driving too because i was scared i was going to faint or panic while driving and i have changed alot of things that i used to do. I am just now starting to drive again and want to get a job to but when i have high stress that is when anxiety gets the best of me. i already have high stress because i have two kids whom are 2 and 7 the 7 year old she has ADHD so shes all the time AHHHH and my two year old is more mature than her but she still has her melt downs. anyways i hope that everything is doing okay for you. if you avoid the situation over and over and over it turns into a fear and then you panic or have high anxiety each time that you enter the situation its really hard to break just tell yourself okay i have never (for example) fainted before while driving i will be fine. Find that positive attitude that is buried deep inside. its in there somewhere i promise...