View Full Version : Anxiety or panic attack ? Bad thoughts, help me !

03-19-2011, 09:45 PM
I have the fear that i will have a car accident and crash or will hurt someone. I don't drive anymore and get the anxiety while driving with other people, even good drivers. I have also the fear to go in the forest for walk, camping, fishing ect because i am scare i will be attacked by wild bears. We are very active people and are outdoor a lot. Most of our trip involve driving in dirt road and difficult snowy road. I am scare that i can't go anymore, i had a major attack today going fishing...

I already take medication; cipralex for 2 years, have had anxiety abt other things, now this is the only things I can't control.

Any help ?

03-22-2011, 12:53 AM
My suggestion is forcing yourself into these scenarios despite the discomfort of havign anxiety. once you avoid situations because your fear them, your allowing your anxiety to have a role in your life.
Face your fear, and learn to sit in the discomfort. Over time, your mind learns that theres no real reason to be scared.
Practice your rational thinking. Getting attacked by a bear is very low possibility. Are you afraid of getting struck by lightning? Are you afraid of tripping when you walk down stairs? Unlikely. Take the likelihood of an event happening and base your actions around that likelihood, because the chance of anxiety fears actually occurring are most often less the 0.5 %.

03-22-2011, 01:05 PM
he is right once you avoid a situation it becomes your fear and its really hard to get back into it. for example i havent drove in 8 months because i had a panic attack while driving and thought i was going to pass out at the wheel. i wouldnt drive after that because i was afraid i would hurt myself or my two kids. i have reentered my fear to show it that there is nothing to be afraid of and yes there are still times i refuse to drive but i get in the car the next time and do it anyways i hope this helps.


03-28-2011, 07:59 PM
They are both right. You really should look into trying to enroll in a cbt group and using the tea forms and exposure. I think it will help you a lot :)