View Full Version : hard to breath still

03-18-2011, 10:20 AM
so i have been suffering from this since wed night i called the ems on wed nigt they told me my oxygen is all good it is 99% and my blood sugar was always good went to the doctor the next morning he said i had a chest infection or something i didnt have a cough but today i woke up with a cough and i feel so much worse is it still anxity can it last this long with the breathing i feel like im gonna go insane again i felt better last night but now i woke up and its all happing again

03-18-2011, 10:20 AM
i am tryng my hardest to relax but i cant seem to do that :(

03-18-2011, 03:27 PM
Your right i find i am giving in to hard to this and im not making my self feel any better at all i need to relax cuz all its doing is taking over my mind and driving me up the wall ! .. i think its cuz i never went threw this before in my life and all of a sudden BOOM this happenes so it is a scary thing but like u said i need to relax and im gonna try to

03-18-2011, 03:49 PM
Yeah ive been trying to talk alot about it it makes me feel better for the time being thats the thing when i talk to my bf aboout it he doesnt really understand he like kinda gets mad at me for always bringing it up but he doesnt feel the way im feeling you know what i mean ..and im sorry if im sounding annoying its just im young and all of a sudden this happenes i know things happen but i never new it would feel like this .. but i mean it is kinda geting better at times i feel like im back to my old self for 10mins lol and then i go from not being able to take that breath but i know i gotta just keep telling my self IM FINE im gonna be alright and i know its normal to cry but this forum helps alot too !..