View Full Version : Having a really bad time

03-17-2011, 08:37 PM
Hey, I just joined up cos I'm having a really bad time and actually feeling like I can't cope and could do with some help.

realy want to k*ll myself at the minute

I am so miserable right now, I can't stop crying and I feel so alone.

I keep feeling like I really can't breathe, I proper feel like I'm going crazy and my symptoms are so INTENSE and extreme.

I self harmed for the first time in 1-2 years.

I'm so emotional and my bf has made me cry every day since I quit smoking (on monday).

I'm so confused cos I actually don't want to smoke, I haven't been thinking about it THAT much but I feel sooo awful and anxious that I'm wanting to smoke incase that's causing it.

I wish I knew if it's my anxiety that's making me feel like this, not smoking, my period or a combination. I wish I knew cos I feel so depressed and awful n anxious n I can't cope with it. If it's the not smoking I'd rather smoke right now than feel like this cos I really can not cope with this seriously it is way too much. But I don't even wanna smoke n I know the first fag will make me feel so dizzy n awful if i have one n I dont want to but I cant friggin cope with this so I wihs I knew what wad causing it.

My current symptoms are:

Ridiculous level of tiredness
hands/wrists feelin weak (keep havin to fix typos)
eyes tired and blurry/hard to focus (been gettin this alot lately)
feeling like I absolutely really can not breathe
feeling like i am PROPER going crazy
like im not real and dont exist
everything around me and also my body look and feel wrong, like they are not real, dont exist n just dont feel right at all
dizzyness n random vertigo like dropping/jolting type feelings n feeling unstable
really severe space n unreal
head pressure
really emotional
n just so worked up n freaked out like there summat wrong n like i really am going crazy

I didn't know who else to talk eto :'(

03-17-2011, 08:41 PM
go to the ER now and request the hospital to put you in the psychiatric ward they'll take care of you and evaluate you.

03-17-2011, 09:56 PM
Did you start to feel REALLY bad only after quitting smoking? It could be that quitting smoking that is causing your elevated anxiety levels. LOTS of people experience this when trying to quit. This is particularly common if you are a rather heavy smoker, and abruptly quit 'cold turkey'. An ongoing anxiety disorder will certainly exacerbate things further. You have a couple of options here. One is to stick out the tobacco withdrawal. Although it may feel REALLY bad, it won't last forever. With time, it will gradually abate. Another option would be for you to try some sort of nicotine replacement, such as Nicorette gum or Nicoderm transdermal patch. You can then gradually taper yourself off the gum or patch, until you are nicotine-free. This has the advantage over continued smoking that you are not really doing anything TOO bad to your body - nicotine alone is not even close to as bad for you as the tars in cigarette smoke. Plus, if you are fed up with smoking, then at least you are not lighting up cigarettes and inhaling smoke into your lungs. If what you are going through is just SO horrible that you end up smoking again, taper your cigarettes SLOWLY rather than going cold turkey. This way, you are quitting gradually. So it won't be such a shock to your system. And your anxiety levels will not be so 'through the roof' as a result of quitting.