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03-15-2011, 08:59 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm so glad I found this site, it's nice to know there are others like me all over the world. A little background I am a 24 yr old mum to 3 who has started a nursing degree but due to anxiety (and my constant symptom hunting) has stopped for the time being while I raise my youngest (6 months) and sort out my increasing anxiety.

The symptoms list was great! I look at it when I have an panic attack and try to tell myself it's all part of it. I would self diagnose myself with GAD and panic disorder but due to a long line of less than fantastic Dr. experiences I am yet to get a professional diagnosis. Why is it that Dr.s maybe perhaps just in Aus think that "just take it easy and stress less" is an acceptable answer???

In Feb I gave up and decided to try medication and was prescribed with Cynbolton (correct me on spelling if you must) and after taking it at approx 8pm at night I woke up at 11 feeling like my body was on fire, my heart was irregular and beating flat out, I was vomiting due to the room spinning and almost passing out, I thought it was the end of me. My partner called the Dr and he came out and gave me an injection as I was having an adverse reaction. My mind was foggy for days after and my anxiety increased 100% during this time. Having taken lexapro during exam period prior I found that made me feel cloudy too. I don't want to head down the medication road at all after this.

My newest symptom is the tingling in my right arm from elbow to wrist. I am constantly worried about my heart. When I relax at night especially in front of the TV I find it makes things worse and I am almost certain to have anxiety. I have seen 2 therapists one was quite good with the relaxation techniques but I have now moved and the one I am seeing currently tells me to think of anxiety like a separate person trying to sabotage my life etc etc. She also told me after 3 sessions that she doesn't think I need to continue sessions! Clearly I do! however I am skeptical they are actually helping at all.

I had my first panic attack that I can remember approximately 6 or 7 years ago. I have always been a bit of a worrier and perfectionist but I don't understand how I have got to this point over the years. I feel constantly on edge and have recently stopped going out of the house as often and don't want to be around my friends. I feel like if I get a good sleep and have a lazy day it will make things a bit better for me but I never end up sleeping I just stay at home with anxiety thinking about how it will ever end and when it will start.

Anyway I am very sorry if this is a bit jumbled I am rushing due to a teething baby needing a cuddle.

03-16-2011, 03:40 PM
Thanks so much for the reply. I am looking forward to checking in regularly.Just reading about everyone's experiences and the amount of support given is already making me feel better. Much appreciated

03-17-2011, 03:00 AM
Ive had the same experience with the tingling of my arm just recently. I have noticed with the increase in my anxiety my face, arms, and stomach starts to feel funny. It sucks the doctors you have seen haven't been much help. My problem with my doctor is that I wish I could get to the root of the problem instead of taking medications to mask it.