View Full Version : Scared to go back to work

03-15-2011, 07:06 PM
I suffer from a range of problems including ocd, nervous ticks, panic attacks and depression on and off, most of the time its not too bad and most people wouldnt even know because I hide it well. I worked hard at college and Uni and gained a degree, not long after uni I got my first job aged 23 working in graphic design. It was a fantastic job, well paid and I really enjoyed it, I had friends and money for the first time and paying off my student debts.
Anyway, basically after a year of working there the company decided to downsize and asked people to leave of their own accord, a few did but I loved my job and I didnt want to. When enough people didnt leave they had to chose people and force them to 'redeploy' within the company. I was the only person chosen to redeploy in my office. I felt it was unfair because I was the only one who had come straight from uni and everyone else had at least 5 years experience. I took it really badly, I felt like they had singled me out. It was very traumatic for me and it really knocked my confidence. They offered me money to leave and I took it. I went into a depression for a while after and I felt so ashamed, I cut off all contact with people I had made friends with because I didnt want them to know I hadnt found another job. I was too scared to even think about looking for work or even updating my CV, I didnt sign on job seekers or seek any help...its now 4 years later and Im even more worried because when I go for another job Im afraid they'll wonder why I havent worked for so long and it might make me less employable and humiliate me in interviews when they ask. I just feel so bad that my hard work at uni will be waisted and I may never find another job.

03-15-2011, 07:21 PM

It's time to set all of that worry aside and get out there. Sometimes things dont work out as we planned. And it's really okay. We need to accept that this job wasn't meant to be and there are plenty of others...very often in the US the newest person gets laid off; very normal

They say now by age 25 the average person can have up to 8 jobs before they find the right fit
Now get out there and find another job

If they ask why be honest that the downsizing of your last company was very hurtful and you lost your confidence, but you're ready to get it back!


Hang in there

03-15-2011, 07:34 PM
very often in the US the newest person gets laid off; very normal

Absolutely. Whenever there are layoffs, it ALWAYS the least senior employees that get the shaft. It's all summed up pretty well in the line 'Last hired, first fired'. It's nothing personal. But unfortunately, that's the way it is.