View Full Version : Am I dying or it this normal anxiety ?

03-14-2011, 05:40 PM
I need to talk to people who understand. I think im dying or soon gonna die of a heart attack hopefully i can get some reassurance from other sufferers and feel better.

Anyone here ever experience anxiety. I kind of need to vent man the Dr checked me out and said im fine but thinks im under stress. I dont feel stressed but I alway worry about everything. Like stupid things that shouldnt matter.

Anyway the other day i was at the mall and i felt light headed so i went to the hospital and as i was explaining what was happening and my heart started racing than my left arm felt weird. I was scared i was gonna die. They put me on a ekg and let me stay there about an hour to calm down and assure me. The dr gave me ativan for medicaiton and everything seemed to get better and better.

I was starting a new job at the time and as the days went on with the job my chest pain got less and less I even had a day or 2 last week with no pain.

So I got switched to a different shift which means meeting new people so i think i was worrying abou that a bit. Not very much though. It doesnt seem like im stressing about it. Just minorly thinking about it. Anyway, last night I woke up at 1am and couldnt sleep so i watched some tv and than turned over again. Around 4am I could hear my heart beat from my temple resting on the pillow and it was really slow sounding I could feel myself getting woozy again so I jumped up and my heart started racing and than put some ativan under my toungue. I got dressed and stood by the door for a bit cause im in a camp working which is like a hotel basically so In case I passed out I wanted to open the door so i can collapse in thehallway so hopefully someone would hear me or see me and help me.

I led back down in bed and my heart was beating weirdly. Like all over the place for a minute and than it went to normal.

I cant live like this. I hate it. Ive always been a worrying type of person but this just adds to the worry even more.

So does anyone else suffer from anxiety here?

03-14-2011, 09:09 PM
I have for most of my life. I no longer suffer from it, I now have learned how to live with it and accept it as part of who I am as a person.

I think your heart issues sound like generalized anxiety disorder. However, always have a doctor rule out other issues.

I think it is important to talk to a doctor about possible medication and therapy options. Everyone needs a customized treatment plan. There is no one size fits all. I have heard many stories from recovering anxiety sufferers, and they are all different.

03-14-2011, 09:33 PM
Hi, it sounds to me like you had a panic attack. If you are seeking to talk with people who also suffer with anxiety this is one place you'll find them. How long have you had symptoms like this for? Have you had any treatment besides the medication your doctor prescribed such as therapy or counseling? There are some very effective treatments for anxiety that have helped people. The effectiveness of treatments varies and depends on the person, and the treatment being offered. Some of our clients improve to the point where they can better manage panic attacks and see a general improvement in their quality of life, and some improve to the point where they are completely cured of their anxiety. We have published a website that talks more specifically about anxiety and the various anxiety symptoms and anxiety treatments. Feel free to drop by at overcominganxietywithoutmedication.com

What Chronic_Perfectionist says below is true - that everyone is different, which means providing responses about a specific individual's circumstance in forums like this can be difficult, however there a re many aspects of Anxiety Disorders that are common amongst a lot of people ... so we can provide general advice and encourage people to seek more specific help from a professional close to them.

I'm happy to respond to any questions you may have regarding Anxiety Disorders or Panic Attacks


Accredited Clinical Counsellor

03-29-2011, 10:25 PM
Well i have been depressed in the past but for the last year ive felt pretty good. A few setbacks I mean like everyone I have reasons to be upset and somedays I choose to let those negative things get the better of me. As for anxiety, No. I am generally a worrier. I worry about everything. Things I should not worry about. I worry about other peoples problems but I have never had a panic attack. For about a month prior I have been feeling quick sharp pains on the left side of my chest, middle and right side. Im just worried that im having some heart troubles or something. It feels like somethings trying to work its way through a valve and getting pinched. probably the way my brain is picturing things cause I am no doctor. I know i had a panic atttack and not a heart attack but i still get these pains and it scares me and makes me worry. The worrying about having a heart attack is what caused my panic attack. I felt weak about 30 mins before I went to the hospital and at the hospital i thought i was having a heart attack but i was apparently taking a panic attack. The Dr told me it was stress and the EKG did not show a heart attack but the pains in my chest cause me to worry. They come when it seems like im not worrying just randoms times so im still convinced that im gonna die of a heart attack. Can stress do that to me ? Cause chest pains quick sharp pains out of nowhere and very random moments ?