View Full Version : Hello everybody

09-13-2006, 04:11 AM
G'day everyone.

I found this forum and thought it might be a good place for me to vent my frustrations. I'm a twenty-something female and ever since I was a baby was prone to anxiety (cried hysterically when left at playgroups, shy etc.) Think I inherited it from my grandma who is the archmage of anxiety and is constantly worrying. Anyway at age 14 I went into boarding school which was the worst mistake of my life. Whilst there I developed insomnia, depression and severe anxiety. No one really cared. Was diagnosed by a doctor but no one did anything so I was left in that state for a year :(

Was ok when I returned home but at my last year in uni the stress brought me down again and it stuck that time. Since then I've had about 10 jobs and quit them all due to insomnia and depression. Now I've just got a new part-time job and have got insomnia again and overwhelming anxiety (feel scared shitless for no reason all the time) but don't want to give in this time, want to try and fight because my only other real option I feel is to suicide because it's too humiliating being a useless piece of junk living off my parents. Want to slug it out. So I need to vent here. Hope you don't mind.

love roxy.

09-15-2006, 09:22 AM
ugh, i had a bad childhood too. I can totally associate :(

Sorry to hear about the jobs problem. I don't know if you're in America but there are programs for the disabled you might be able to get into and theres also mental health county facilities that often offer you reduced charges for getting therapy.

But the 'g'day' makes me think you're in Australia.. so I wouldn't know where to go there, but I'm sure there's resources.. just try and search them out a little?