View Full Version : Never tried this before

03-14-2011, 10:36 AM
Hello! I am new to this forum. The reason I decided to try this out is because the fear is starting to consume me. I need a place that will help me through this. I believe this all started when I had my children... Before my children I used to be able to watch scary movies.. do daring things, and never think twice about it. Now everything scares me.. I think the worse of every situation, and feel like I make up fears..... Also in the last couple months my boyfriend has been moved to 3rd shift and im alone at night... I can never sleep.. constantly stare out the door thinking the worse is coming to get me! I fear something bad will happen when Im home with the kids by myself. I have had my doubts that this is really anxiey, untill last night.... I had a Extreamly stressfull day! It was about 9 pm and I needed to go to the store.. i went by myself to escape the stress at home... litterally 3 minutes into the drive.... I get the dizzy feeling and my legs go numb and feel cold! This has to be the release of the stress all day..... what else?? my arms seem to be numb all day.. and I have been nauseated for the last week... its seems the my list of symptoms are expanding day by day.. is that normal?
Well thats about my life in a nut shell in the last month since these attacks began!

03-14-2011, 12:46 PM
Yep, it's anxiety. The symptoms change and each new one scares you.

You can beat this...when you get symptoms, change the way you react to it.

Say, this is just anxiety, I'm okay. This will pass.

Then start practicing stress relieving skills and change your lifestyle.

You're fine, your body is just stressed


03-15-2011, 09:09 PM
I understand completely, and AGREE that mine has increased since having kids, because I worry about them too. I get paranoid at night someone will steal them and part of my panic attacks is me feeling like I am going to have a heart attack and leave my kids without a mother. I had a tension headache for a week about 2 years ago now and I convinced my self I had a brain tumor after all of the scans etc I was fine and now for quite some time now have been focusing on heart related issues which make me have panic attacks stemmed from anxiety. So I guess it really does just bounce from one concern to another.

03-15-2011, 09:24 PM
hey meeeee toooo you have just described me....i have two kids ages 7 and 2 and it didnt happen to me till after my second one was born and i am also scared of things i wouldnt normal be scared of. inbox me i really dont have much time to talk right now im way overdue on class work and im alittle lightheaded at the moment. UGH oh and i just started to drive again same thing happened to me... my kids were with me that night. i will never forget it.